Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ladies - We need you.

Ladies. How would you like it, that if your daughter or perhaps yourself, wished to travel abroad to further their or your education, you would be unable to leave the United Kingdom without a legal companion in the form of a husband, brother, or father? You would soon be putting the person who made that law back into his little box and throwing away the key.

Well that is the rule in some Islamic Countries where Sharia Law holds sway. You didn't really think that their women wore those Dark Dalek outfits in the blazing sun through choice did you?

Thirteen students have so far announced their intentions to get married solely for the purpose of being able to travel abroad and qualify for the scholarship program. The students say their family circumstances make it difficult for their brothers and fathers to accompany them abroad for long periods of time, sometimes three or four years.

Ladies, we know you to be the fiercest defenders of all when it comes the things you care about. Well your country needs you now. Please do everything you can to help the British National Party recover the country for our children, your children, our future.

It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home.


Anonymous said...

I love those photos you get GA!
Dont worry about us girls, we're out there campaigning,nagging, frightening the skin out of anyone we meet about Islam.

There is no way this female EVER lets it ride roughshod over me!
And when I give my husband permission to talk again he'll agree with me!
(only kidding)

Anonymous said...

Why make so much fuss over the wearing of the veil ? If you saw what most of them look like without it you'd count your blessings . Keep them covered !!!

The Green Arrow said...

Felicity if we had another thousand of you us men could sit back and watch the cricket while you lot sorted it out.

Which one would you be in the photo?

Celtic - the thought of all the germs on the inside is enough to turn you off. By all accounts their veil is the equivalent of either beer goggles for men or the old paper bag gag - which we will not mention in case we have a slap of the ladies.

The Green Arrow said...

Just thought you might like to see what they think of little girls.

“'And when the news of (the birth of) a female (child) is brought to any of them, his face becomes dark, and he is filled with inward grief! He hides himself from the people because of the evil of that whereof he has been informed. Shall he keep her with dishonour or bury her in the earth? Certainly, evil is their decision.' (Quran, 16:58-59)

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine had a daughter at college and one day she brought an Iranian lad home for a visit . Her father took him quietly to one side and told him that his daughters ( he had four ) had been brought up to believe themselves to be the equal of anyone and would never walk a step behind . They returned to college after a few days and the son of Islam was never seen again .That was a long time ago when we could freely speak our minds and if it happened today the father would probably end up in jail !! After all , what did Kevin Hughes do apart from speak his mind in this green and not-so-pleasant land ?

Anonymous said...

I'm the land girl GA (the photo is the image of my dear old mum in her heyday).
I think the female of the species gets away with a tad more ethnic suspicion than you poor guys.
I'm not above a feminine tear and a frightened look if I come up against opposition from Leftie leaning men.
"Its all right for you", I say with a trembling lip, "but what about US, and the children forced to live in fear?"
One Leftie actually patted my shoulder.... and I let him without snapping his fingers off.
He came over all protective and thoughtful.
Okay its a sneaky tactic but I have few scruples in the battle ahead, its for survival!

Anonymous said...


A lovely little snippet of the worry those "smash the Fash" great unwashed are having right now....do I smell desperation?

AJ said...

You cannot manipulate the Koran to satisfy your own agenda, this is exactly what terrorist organisations use to find reasons for their jihad. If you had truly read even parts of the Koran you would know that the most common word in the text aside from Allah is that of ilm meaning knowledge; it is a peaceful religion encouraging the quest for it not the one you portray. Your comments are quite frankly racist and you cannot continually rant on about political correctness gone mad because you seem to hate people of a different racial origin and such beliefs should not and will not be tolerated.

The Green Arrow said...

AJ - If you really believe Islam is a religion then you are one of a billion equally weak minded people. It is a cult - nothing more nothing less and the British People will no longer tolerate the evil done in its name. If you have a problem with the British reclaiming their country then for you the time for Hegira approaches. First we will outlaw Halal meat, then we will deport the preachers of hate, then we will raise the Mosques that they preached in to the ground.

Believe me.

Anonymous said...

AJ's next post will call for your head GA. AJ have a look at faithfreedom international to see why the world is laughing at Muslims...and isn't keen on sitting on planes trains and automobiles with them either.
Your Allah is the racist one, he makes all the conquered peoples chant in Arabic that they cant understand however thanks to FFI and prophetofdoom we can!
Go learn, then come back?

AJ said...

A few things need to be clarified, firstly i'm an aetheist not a muslim, secondly calling islam a cult is one of the most ignorant things i've ever heard do not use words without first knowing their meaning - calling it a cult means that it is generally considered to be false and earlier as you stated one billion people agree with it - slightly contradiction there - secondly it has to engage in often superstitious practices and live in a very unconventional manner - therefore please explain to me how transubstantiation and the Jewish circumcision do not render these respective religions as cults because surely the idea of Christ morphing into bread and wine and the need for a child to be circumcised are slightly superstitious. You cannot call islam evil it is idiocy - if you understood its contextual background then you wood know that it covers the entire life of Mohammed including the numerous wars that occur ergo there are going to be things one could misinterpret but thats what it is misinterpreting one could do the same with any religious text.

The Green Arrow said...

I chose the word cult because that is what it is. A cult. Not a religion. A cult created by a paedophile madman. I also said a billion people saying 2+2=3 does not make it true. So a billion weak minded people following a cult does not make it a religion.

Go play Hegira because it is coming.