Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Beating your meat and eating Zebras

Well lets get the Zebra out of the way first. If you are a Moslem, is it O.K. to eat Zebra meat? Well leaving aside the obvious, first you have to catch your Zebra before you can cook him. The short answer is. Yes.

So where is this going you ask? Try a dive into the minds of madness. The Green Arrow has been forced to learn more about the Cult of the Dead Paedophile called Islam and found it to be full of insanity or some dead guys idea of how far he could push a joke after his death.

So brain washed are the followers of this cult, that they are literally unable or allowed to think for themselves. Every part of their life is controlled by the words of an illiterate madman who died centuries ago and interpreted by sexually repressed, so called Scholars today.

Want to trim your nails. Make sure you do it the Islamic way or rot in hell. Not joking. The cult has websites where you can ask all those difficult questions like eating Zebra, wearing a watch or turning up your trousers.

But check out what they think about the wearing of a tie. The Moslem's are madder than the Gibraltar Rock Apes.

Q: Tie is commonly used among western community. Now it has become common among Muslims too. Especially during wedding ceremony Groom wears a tie with pride and some Muslim children also wear a tie in schools. Is it allowed for Muslims?

A: Hozoor Muftee-e-Azam Hind Aleh Rehma-tu-Rizwan writes that to wear a tie is definitely Haram and is a resemblance of Kafir. It is a bad deed and an open disobedience of ALLAH Tala Wal Ikram. In Christianity, tie is a remembrance of their false belief of crucifixion of Hazrat Syedna Masih Alhe Salam and forgiveness for Christians. (Fatwa Mustafvia, on page 526) Therefore it is not allowed for Muslims to wear a tie neither during a wedding ceremony nor on any occasion. Do not send your children to schools where tie is a part of uniform code. Because wearing a tie is Haram and it is a must for Muslims to refrain him/herself from Haram and also protect his/her family from Haram. Allah Tala says *1, means "O believers!, 'save yourselves and your family members from the fire of hell". (Part 28, Soorah Tehreem, Ayah 6) Allah Ta'ala Knows the best.

So now you know. Well apart from the beating of the meat. That is a big NO NO. So don't do it. No wonder they are in a rush to blow themselves to bits. Frightened of dieing and frightened of living. Poor sad bastards.

Only the British National Party knows how to do a Full Windsor Knot. Join them and do your tie the right way.


The Green Arrow said...

Fantastic najistani. This has got top be a post so it does not get lost in the comments.

Anonymous said...

and there was I thinking a windsor know was some sort of distraction device ..... silly me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I don't get the underlying meanings here but when I wanted to find out what "beating of the meat" meant I followed your link and it was all about whether Muslims can masturbate. And before you ask, I don't know what the answer is as I closed the window right away. Ugh!