Monday, August 6, 2007

A bee in the bonnet

See you on the Beach

I afraid that I am going to have to go outside for awhile and so postings may be a little scarce and sporadic. But there are loads of other nationalist blogs to keep you informed on the truth about what is really being done to destroy the identity of the British People and the theft of Our Country.

First I recommend that you bookmark the British National Party News Page and also their excellent Regional News. Don't forget to check into their Your Say page while your there. In fact why not drop them a line, they like to get lots of mail to show we care:)

And if you have not done it, bookmark the UKTabloids site. How those guys keep the news flowing at the rate they do, I have no idea, but I salute them just the same.

I was going to list a few others sites but you can take it as read, that if they were no good, they would not be on my link list on the right. Check them all out.

Now everyone has a bee in their bonnet about something, be it crime, immigration, the EU or any of the other things that are ripping our children's future to bits. However, some of us have an whole hive in our head and I have found the only way to get rid of them is to pass on some of those "bees" to other people whose minds are still empty to the truth. The more people with a bee in their bonnet the better and the sooner the BNP can form a government.

See you on the beach.


Anonymous said...

This is a great blog "site" GA,i sincerely hope you don't shut it down.Have a rest by all means but don't fade away.

Anonymous said...


No doubt as the third anniversary approaches, the MSM will use all the old terminology - 'separatists', 'hostage-takers' , 'activists', 'freedom-fighters', 'youths' etc. No mention of the I-word nor the M-word. Al-Beeb didn't even call them terrorists. It was just a little local dispute between neighbours. Nothing to do with the Religion of Peace.

However, according to Wikipedia [ ] our Saudi friends and allies may not have been unaware of this razzia:

"Arab and alleged al-Qaeda involvement
Shortly after September 3, 2004, official Russian sources stated that the attackers were part of an international group led by Shamil Basayev that included a number of Arabs with connections to al-Qaeda, and said they picked up phone calls in Arabic from the Beslan school to Saudi Arabia and another undisclosed Middle Eastern country.[44]

At least two English/Algerians are among the identified terrorists partaking actively in the attack: Osman Larussi and Yacine Benalia. A third, UK citizen Kamel Rabat Bouralha, arrested while trying to leave Russia immediately following the attack, is suspected to be a key organizer. All three were linked to the Finsbury Park Mosque of north London.[45][46] Russia also claimed that alleged al-Qaeda agent Abu Omar al-Saif was responsible for financing the attack."

More info:

"The media in the United States have been oddly fastidious in failing to report one aspect of last week’s horror in Beslan: that several Russian girls were raped by Muslim terrorists in front of their parents and classmates. ..... The behavior of Chechen terrorists in Beslan, disgusting in every gory detail by the standards of civilized humanity, was justified by the tenets of Islam and by the personal example of the cult’s inventor, Muhammad. "


see also

"THE full horror of the Russian school atrocity began to emerge yesterday as traumatised children told horrific tales of stabbed babies and brutal rapes. "


As well as being raped, the children were also forced to drink their own urine. These are classic Islamic practices of 'humiliating' the Kuffar till they 'feel themselves subdued' as demanded by the Koran (Sura 9:29).

The blogosphere needs to set the record straight on this atrocity. The petrodollar-bribed MSM never will. And there isn't a snowball's chance in Mohammed's final abode that anyone would even consider whether schools in America and Europe might be at risk from a repeat performance. That would be just too Separatistophobic.

Anonymous said...

Anon, I would like to publish this at my blog and attribute it to you. If you post me a comment with a name I'll do so. Otherwise I'll have to post it under Anonymous (with your permission I hope).

Check here

Anonymous said...

A video clip of a Police officer almost stabbed in a police station.

A good example of Blairs/Browns Britain.

Anonymous said...

Please publish the truth about Beslan wherever possible. This incident, more than any other, reveals the true depths of evil plumbed by the Cult of the Damned.

Anonymous said...

Anon, will do. Thanks.