Saturday, October 20, 2007

Blood transfusions for Muslims

Moslem Blood Donors start young

A letter on Your Say at the British National Party web site set me off digging for information.

The letter writer wondered how Muslims in need of a blood donation managed when a person who donated the blood was a follower of a real religion and also liked a nice bacon sandwich?

Would the turnips refuse the blood and die or would they accept the transfusion and if so what were the ramifications for them. Would they too crave a bacon buttie? The mad moon bats seem to think so. Anyhow read on.

I have checked out Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari of Leicester whose site advises on these matters to the mindless morons who have to be told how to do everything from beheading infidels to wiping their own bottoms.

Quoting another mad moon bat, he says;
Sayyiduna Imam Shafi’i (Allah have mercy on him) states: “If one infused blood under the skin and skin grew on it, it will become obligatory to extract that blood and repeat all the prayers that were performed after infusion”. (al-Umm, 1/54).

However they will bend the rules and accept the blood of infidels if no other source is available but add the following rider to the advice.

However, scholars recommend that one should abstain from the blood of unbelievers, transgressors and sinners, when reasonably possible, for there is a risk that the evil effects found in such people may affect the one in whom the blood is transfused.

There are some other little gems that the maniac mullah, who ends his article by saying "And Allah knows best", that you should read. Check out when it is right to drink urine and when it is not right to drink a womans breast milk. Anyone for bitty?

One other piece of information. Muslims make up a really minute percentage of blood donors in Our Country as they do not believe that they should donate either blood or organs. Although as usual, they will take both - all be it ungratefully.

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