Saturday, December 1, 2007

What happened to Teddy?

Is this Teddy? I think we should be told.

Over on the Stormfront forums, a poster who goes by the name of essexred has made a few predictions about Mrs Gibbons who is currently enjoying the hospitality provided by a grateful Sudanese government?

Mrs Gibbons has been imprisoned in recognition of her work in their backward sliding country for naming a Teddy Bear Mohammed after an infamous dead paedophile.

Previous School Teddy Bear Allah(left) with unknown bear

Here are the predictions:

1. The Muslim peers sent there to free her will get her released this weekend (or at the very latest early next week) and it will be heralded as a great success for the "British" Muslims.

2. Mrs Gibbons will be paraded on on our TV screens with the "British" Muslims and Sudanese officials and she will make a statement that goes something like, "The Sudanese treated me very fairly" and "I bear no grudge against the people of Sudan and the Islamic faith".

3. We will have to make some sort of concession to Sudan. Probably more aid. Either way we take it in the arse from these cave dwellers and someone from our government will have to apologise to the Sudanese government.

4. When she arrives back in the UK we will witness Brown, Miliband and other government officials heralding her release as a great success for the government.

5. The BBC will run an article on it's website entitled "Should we respect other countries faiths more" and the Muslim peers will be given hero status.

Well essexred was ahead of the pack with those predictions, that's for sure. Here are a couple of snips from the updated Telegraph site.

"I would not be surprised if president of the republic will tell the delegation we have dropped this charge,"
Sudanese government sources suggested she could be released early and allowed to travel back to the UK with the British peers.
"One of the things my mum said today was that 'I don't want any resentment towards Muslim people',"
Nice work essexred. But you could have added, T.V. appearances promoting Islam, magazine articles quickly followed by the book.

If all that lot happens, I am sure some people will be wishing there had been a public flogging instead. Me? I couldn't possibly comment. Now what happened to Teddy? Is that him in the image above. Andy Pandy says: "I fear for the worse". Loopy Lou was unavailable for comment.

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