Thursday, January 31, 2008

Calne council by-election Results

The results of the Calne Town Council Lickhill ward were as follows:

  • Glenis Ansell - Lib Dems = 278 (35.3%)
  • Robert Baggs - BNP = 84 (10.7%)
  • Ellie Bland - UKIP = 150 (19.0%)
  • Geoff Brown - Greens = 23 (2.9%)
  • Greg Widger - Conservative = 256 (32.5%)

Turnout was 25%.

The weather was very bad and over 2000 of the 3161 eligible to vote couldn't be bothered.

Disappointing result. Sorry team.

Robert Baggs signing out.
A big well done to Robert and his team who worked very hard in the run up to this election. Robert was good enough to update his blog on a daily basis and I am sure there will be a post there later giving his "after match" report.

Do not be disappointed Robert. You done more than your best. We are proud of you.

Sadly it seems that despite the efforts of the British National Party, there are still those in uninfected parts of Our Country that remain indifferent to what is happening to their fellow True Brits.

We shall just have to work harder. You can bet that Robert and his activists will be out next week. Thank you to those who voted BNP.


Wendy Ascham said...

It seems that all those people who voted for the mainstream parties have a blinked outlook. They have been indoctrinated by the government and the media into thinking that everything is fine and honky-dory. They obviously don't know what is going on in the real world. To quote a famous song, "When will they ever learn?"

Good on Robert, you made the effort, but the people of Calne are like lemmings, they are on a suicide course!

Anonymous said...

after the GLA all will change.

Nick has said that the BBC promised to have him on question time if he gets 2 seats in the GLA.

if we get on question time it would make a big difference to the public mood and our votes.

we HAVE to work our arses off to get those two seats.

get in touch with Richard Barnbrook, get down to london and deliver some leaflets.

if you cannot make it too London then at least pay for some leaflets, by making a direct payment to the London BNP effort, even £10 would go a long way.

you have NO excuse - do you want to see Nick on question time or not?

do you want to see Livingslime getting grilled by Richard Barnbrook or not?

do you want to see the BNP gain MPs or not?

its in your hands - what will YOU do?

Anonymous said...

For an upmarket place like Calne, glossier and more subtle leaflets etc are required.

Anonymous said...

So many didnt bother turning out, but enough did to keep the BNP at bay?..and UKIP got more votes than the BNP?..something does not smell right here (as usual). But if this is the true reflection of apathy, then the Brits deserve everything they get.

Anonymous said...

A result that is already being touted on 'ukdebate' as showing UKIP finally gaining success over the BNP.

But frankly with such a low turnout statisticians could make anything from this - and will probably be paid handsomely to do so. For instance I bet there are twenty three tories in the area who this morning must be feeling sick as parrots and their activists doubly so.

Anonymous said...

EU military police will only leave if the EU orders them to leave

On December 11th 2007 Bob Spink MP in the Commons debate (Hansard, col 188) prior to the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon asked Miliband for an assurance that the Eurogendarmerie will never be allowed into the UK. No such assurance was given, and Miliband confirmed that they could enter Britain with Britain’s “consent”, presumably just the consent of the government. What he did not mention and what was not spelt out was the (obvious) fact that once the EGF is inside a country, it will not leave that country simply because that country’s national authorities tell it to leave, for it will not recognise those authorities, but only its own supreme authority in Brussels.

EU military police may be Turks

Another disturbing element of the Treaty of Velsen is in article 44 which provides for the recruitment of Eurogendarmes not only from member states but also from “candidate states”. Indeed the Portuguese EU Presidency’s website, announcing the signing of this Treaty, stated that Turkey had already shown interest. So when the EGF does come over to Britain, we could find ourselves being policed by Turks in EU uniform. Even if they are excluded from being full members of the EU because their human rights record is not good enough, and torture in Turkish police stations is reported to be commonplace, the Turks are evidently considered good enough to be recruited as policemen to police us.

Please note - these are not soldiers, they are European riot-control policemen. They are actually members of the Spanish Guardia Civil as you can see from the flashes on their left shoulders, and it is written on the flak jacket of the man standing on the left of the picture, but if you look at their right upper arms you will just glimpse the royal-blue armband of the European Gendarmerie Force - which has as its emblem a circle of little yellow stars, and in the middle a "sword and a flaming grenade, symbolising the common military root of European police" (this logo and the armband are fully explained on their website).

This "military root" we need hardly say, may be "common" to the police forces of continental Europe, but it is utterly alien to our own policing traditions. Note their steel helmets, and their heavy automatic rifles, carried here by the Guardia "Civil", by what they are pleased to call a "civilian" police force. . .

Europeans distrust police

In continental Europe, our idea of "policing by consent" is considered a bizarre and incomprehensible contradiction in terms. Of course one of the duties of continental police is to tackle crime. But they are also regularly and normally considered to be a fairly blunt instrument whereby the State imposes its will on the citizenry in general. It has always been that way. They are occasionally admired, more often feared, and sometimes hated by the population at large, law-abiding and criminal elements alike. They are seldom recruited locally.
One unfortunate result is that whenever they try to investigate a crime, they often receive little help from the public - people are most unwilling to "step forward" (hence the phenomenon of omertá - which is a tremendous obstacle to any serious police detective work). So the extent to which crime goes unchecked is often higher on the continent than in the UK, although it is worsening in the UK as we are
being brought into line with continental practice, with our own policemen being taken off the beat and so out of that daily contact with the local population, which would enable confidence and trust to be built.

Explains why our police force are no longer seen protecting us on the streets.
when the Gestapo jackbooted thugs are seen here it will be too late.
The long term plotting of our politicians more and more is becoming clearer Orwells 1984 becoming the reality.

The Green Arrow said...

Thanks for cheering me up JOG.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cheer up GA!

July 11, 2005
Cowboys and Muslims

At a small terminal in the Texas Panhandle, three strangers are awaiting their shuttle flight. One is a Native American passing through from Oklahoma. Another, a local ranch hand on his way to Ft. Worth for a stock show. The third passenger is an Arab student, newly arrived at the Texas oil patch from the Middle East.
To pass the time they strike up a conversation on recent events, and the discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon the Westerners learn that the Arab is a devout Muslim. The conversation falls into an uneasy lull.

The cowpoke leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table, tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind outside blows tumbleweeds and the old windsock flaps, but no plane comes.

Finally, the Native American clears his throat and softly, he speaks: 'Once my people were many, Now we are few.'

The Muslim raises an eyebrow and leans forward, 'Once my people were few,' he sneers, 'and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?'

The Texan shifts the toothpick to one side of his mouth and from the darkness beneath his stetson says, 'That's 'cause we ain't played Cowboys and Muslims yet.'

The Green Arrow said...

Thanks for that YL. I am off to put it in the Muslim Jokes Page.

Nice to see your article over on UKTabloids. Well done. Lots of hits as a result.
I will be posting your earlier article of today - tomorrow. Now theres Welsh for you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for info GA.
Hope you said that in a welsh accent boyo!
Spent alot of time in Wales Neath and Pontidulas [ESCUSE SPELLING]
land of my fathers was my party song as a child taught to me by my Welsh brother-in-law Denzil.
Lovely scenic country you have there.

Anonymous said...

As far as I can see it from Robert's blog and it seems to be the case in other places too our supporters aren't as committed and reliable as the supporters of the other party's.

Maybe they don't really think we will win and don't vote or maybe they just talk the talk but won't walk the walk to the voting place.


Anyway, well done to Robert and his team. They obviously put in a lot of work and should have got a better result