Saturday, February 9, 2008

So much for free speech

Hung over, after a day at The Club, where my young nephew whose 18th birthday we were celebrating, thanked me the Tankard and informed me that he was looking forward to voting BNP in future elections, I have done nothing but flip from site to site looking for something that would encourage me enough to put pen to paper.

In the end it was the views expressed by Inayat Wataplonka Bunglawal, the Assistant Secretary General of the government in waiting. The Muslim Council of Britain that energized me.

He is outraged (aren't they all and always) that the mad preacher, Yusuf al-Qaradawi has been refused a visa to come to the UK for medical treatment. Inayat sees the refusal has having worrying implications for free speech.

You may not like what is written or drawn, we were told, but as long as it does not break the law, you need to learn to put up with it.
Well I am a great believer in free speech and so I thought I had better check out just what this creature from the past had to say that was dangerous and came up with this short list of some of the things that Qaradawi advocates.
  • Killing Muslims who have turned away from Islam (apostates)
  • The execution of gay people in Islamic societies
  • Suicide bombing of innocent Israeli civilians
  • Female genital mutilation (female "circumcision")
  • Compelling women to wear the hijab, even if they don't want to
  • Violence against disobedient wives in certain circumstances
  • Blaming rape victims who dress immodestly
  • Flogging women who have sex outside marriage

All fun stuff and so it is little wonder that Qaradawi is defended by the likes of Red Ken Livingstone, The Socialist Workers Party, the Muslim Association of Britain and also the Muslim Council of Britain in his fight to live and put of the day he goes to rot in hell with the Dead Paedophile whose rantings he follows.

Peter Tatchell also defends this preacher from Hells right to come to the Country he has avowed to destroy, despite pointing out the following on his site here.
Qaradawi is also a hypocrite because he is seeking medical treatment, when there are certain circumstances in which he would apparently deny treatment to people who do not share his hardline Islamism. He believes that such people should be allowed to die. Qaradawi is on record as saying that Muslims should not donate organs to people who adopt other faiths or become atheists. An apostate should not be given an organ donation because he has transgressed Islam and "deserves killing", Qaradawi wrote in a fatwa issued on the website, Islamonline, of which he is the chief scholar, on 24 June 2002.
Personally, I think we should allow him into the Country, put him on trial and then lock him up for life. Without the medical treatment he needs. Sometime I think I boarder on being a bit of a liberal.


Anonymous said...

The liblabcon, Searchlight, Tatchell plus Livingstone and his pals say vote this for London ->

Is that what Londoners want?

If not vote BNP on May 1st!

Anonymous said...

You may not like what is written or drawn, we were told, but as long as it does not break the law, you need to learn to put up with it.

They never said that about the

Anonymous said...

Of course you know what the real problem with organ donation is, I blogged about it some time ago. Bottom line is the ethnics have some "interesting" tissue type problems so they need a much larger pool of organ suppliers. Which is why they are so keen to enforce the rule that if you die in hospital your organs are not yours any more.

Whereas MY problem with the organ donation program is that I can't dictate that my bits can't be used to save the life of one who follows the word of the dead paedophile. So if I can't refuse them specifically, I refuse you all. But trust me, if you knew what my life had DONE to my bits, you wouldn't want them.

Geoff said...

Detectives investigating the death of a man whose decapitated body was found behind a row of shops in north London have charged a man with murder.

The victim was found wrapped in a blood-stained duvet in a supermarket goods cage in Kilburn.

Mohamed Boudjenane, 45, of Kingsgate Road, Kilburn, is due to appear in court on Monday charged with murder.

All the best!
Drake's Drum.

Anonymous said...

Qaradawi's two daughters are here also to be educated.
Recall the steps on making an islamic state.
Let the west educate us?

When the EU propagandists promised free movement being a benefit of more EU integration.
Wait until later this month for a new EU directive to come out.
Obtained from Statewatch!


: Commission wants two systems to track travellers entering the EU by Judith Crosbie (European Voice, link) "The European Commission will propose in February two new systems for tracking and monitoring people entering the EU. One system will require airline passengers to register online before flying to Europe while the other system will use biometrics to track people entering and leaving the Union through air, land and sea borders." Last November the Commission put forward a proposal for a EU-PNR scheme whereby airlines compile and pass over details of passengers to national security agencies to check against watch-lists (See Statewatch's Observatory: EU surveillance of passengers (PNR)) It is now proposed that in addition all passengers wanting to fly into the EU (both visitors and citizens) will have to get permission to travel. The story above also says that the Commission is intending to propose a third measure to take biometrics (fingerprints) of everyone entering and leaving the EU by air, land and sea. Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, comments: "Let us be clear about the effect of these three proposals. Everyone - citizens and visitors - travelling in and out of the EU is going to be placed under surveillance, have to get permission to enter and checked against national watch-lists whose scope is unknown, with data transferred to unspecified agencies in the EU and outsdie and records of movements held for years."

EU: Note of the Standing Committee of experts on international immigration, refugees and criminal law on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2003/109/EC to extend the scope to beneficiaries of international protection (pdf)

On visits to Hungary before the iron curtain came down i was tracked at all times. looks to me like the iron curtain is in the process of being erected again.