Saturday, June 7, 2008

Liverpool Armed Police Stop Peter Quiggins of the BNP!

Peter Quiggins while out in town was stopped by armed police. It was caught on camera and the police are being shown for what they are, political bullies of the establishment.

The Police should remember that the BNP never forgets and is watching them watching us


Anonymous said...

this is all future evidence g.a.remember the van being stopped in birmingham for playing land of hope and glory ? this is the same police brutality that was used against the boot boys in the early eighties

Anonymous said...

Well done to Scouse BNP for capturing this on film. Let's have it on the BNP homepage for hundreds of thousands of members of the public to witness FASCISM is alive and well in this country comforted in the bosom of the state.

The next step is to publish a FULL REPORT of this incident together with names, ranks, service numbers and photographs (if you can get them) of all the officers involved.

This event shows exactly why cameras are NECESSARY at political activities. The camera doesn't lie when it captures police intimidation/brutality or Left-wing violence/stupidity.

PEOPLE! Don't forget about the WAR the state has declared on its citizens. We need to defend ourselves against further attacks. Use the tools that are at your disposal.


We will win this fight because good always prevails.

HAHA!! With simply heavenly coincidence the "word verification" I have to type is is "bullies"! Someone reading my mind?

Anonymous said...

Who are the boot boys?

Anonymous said...

The powers-that-be are getting very twitchy. Anybody would think they were sitting on top of a powder keg.

Anonymous said...

Not only do there need to be hidden cameras at BNP leaflet distributions, there need to be openly visible close-up cameras.

For every PC that turns up, two people with video cameras/mobile phones should emerge from the crowd to record close up from different angles. When the BNP are surrounded by Police, the Police should be surrounded by visible and invisible BNP cameras. They can't confiscate all cameras and any attempt to damage/confiscate one will be recorded by the others. It will paralyse them.

Anonymous said...

Every Friday tables are set up in the street in parts of luton, and jihadist leaflets are handed out along with dvd's.
Several bearded men engage passersby with their politicised religious rants which are but thinly disguised incitement.
Nobody questions them or interferes.
This is the first step towards implementing self imposed sharia in those ghettos.
They are welcome to it.