Monday, July 7, 2008

Campaign for an Independent Britain

Now there is only one real opposition party to the undemocratic European Union and that is, altogether now. The British National Party.

However there are other organisations out there also doing their bit to bring the truth of Eurabia to the people of our oppressed country. One of them is the Campaign for an Independent Britain, an alliance of individuals and groups. Sadly the BNP is not amoungst them. If they were, we would hear more about them and they would make more of an impact.

However they have some real good information on their site and loads of free material that can be used in our struggle to regain our freedom. Also some good advice in dealing with the schools that are brainwashing our children.

Here are some facts from their information page;

Membership of the EU has cost this country over £30,000,000,000 since we joined in 1973 – yet only 16% of our trade is with the European Union.

Because we have to subsidise inefficient continental farmers, basic foodstuffs such as milk and sugar cost twice the price they would be if we were outside the EU.

Membership of the EU adds over £1100 a year to the average family shopping bill.

Farmers in developing countries are banned by Brussels from selling their produce in Britain, while the EU dumps its surpluses onto the world economy, contributing to global poverty, starvation and unrest.

The EU’s own auditors have identified swindles which have cost £6 billion per annum. (How much more goes undetected?) The auditors have refused to sign off the EU’s books for eleven years!

The size of the European economy – relative to growth areas of the world like North America and the Far East – is expected to halve over the next thirty years.

The EU imposes ludicrous rules on all aspects of life, such as telling us we cannot weigh groceries in pounds and ounces and legislating on the permitted curliness of bananas!

The European Single Currency – the ‘euro’ – has been an economic disaster, triggering mass unemployment across the continent and consistently losing value against all other world currencies.

More than 70% of our laws are now drafted in Brussels, rather than in our own elected Parliament.

I suggest you check them out and see what you can use.


Anonymous said...

400 people today in Pakistan at the graveside of a 7/7 bomber will be having a celebration party...BROWN JUST GAVE A BILLION TO THEM...

Anonymous said...

PJC JOURNAL..debt for our country is 6.3 TRILLION.
Jesus Christ this lousy stinking government is bankrupting the country

Facts on a plate: our population is at least 77 million
Independent on Sunday, The, Oct 28, 2007 by city eye

It is the statistic that dare not speak its name, though eventually it must. It has huge ramifications for the civil and political life of this country, the health of the equity markets and, most immediately, the residential property market. So don't forget you read it here first: the population of the UK is presently somewhere between 77 and 80 million.
The 2001 census, already hopelessly out of date and easy to avoid for those who find filling in forms a trifle inelegant, numbered us at a little under 59 million. But as statistics go, that one's most definitely a damned lie.
My sources for the above statement are good, but scared of admitting the truth for fear of incurring the wrath of Whitehall. It's like the best way of monitoring illegal drug consumption: forget the pious statements from ministers - the foolproof method is to sample our water and the effluent in it. That's easily the best way of monitoring what the nation has been consuming.
Consumption - that's the thing. Based on what we eat, one big supermarket chain reckons there are 80 million people living in the UK. The demand for food is a reliable indicator; as Sir Richard Branson says, you can have all the money in the world but you can only eat one lunch and one dinner.
The supermarket in question was privately lobbying the Competition Commission to let it grow its market share. The argu- ment, reasonably enough, was that the market was far bigger than realised , so expanding was fair. I have a second, respectable, source. A major, non-commercial agricultural institution reckons there are 77 million of us in the UK. Again, its reckoning is based on what we eat.
That faint background noise you're hearing as you read this is the sound of everyone slithering off the record. Why? In political terms, standing behind these figures would be to toss a hand grenade into a vat of gasoline. People would be hounded out of a job for scaremongering.
The Office for National Statistics' figures, published last week, predict a population of 75 million by 2051. It's an honest estimate but horribly wide of the mark because number counting doesn't work effectively. If you want to know how many there are of us, ask a food firm.
If the true numbers were revealed, the Little Englanders and xenophobes would come out in force about the evils of immigration. But that's what made America great in the 19th century, and it's a driving force of our economy right now. It's also anti- inflationary.
David Buik, a money manager with broker BGC Partners, was talking of "one million Eastern Europeans unaccounted for in London" on television last week. I suspect he's right if somewhat conservative in his estimate. How many do you see working in the construction industry and waiting at tables?
And when I say "anti-inflationary", I mean they are getting rotten wages. Dignified by the term "cheap labour", the hidden hordes will do well for the services sector, among others. People are assets - to maintain and to be maintained - so we are wealthier as a nation.
All of which is reflected in strong economic demand and markets see-sawing between optimism over what we all see on the streets (that 77 million figure feels right to me) and the possibility of something nasty if the Bank of England credit-crunch prognosis is correct (to echo last week, I think next spring will be unpleasant).
As for housing, property magnates and chief executives of housing associations alike say the expanding population means serious demand for the foreseeable future, credit crunch or no. Next week, I'll look at the detail of this argument.

Next »

Anonymous said...

Ps, you can also order FREE leaflets, stickers and information packs. You might then want to play a small part in the struggle and leave the FREE material lying around in libraries, cafes, bus stops, surgeries, etc. -anywhere the ignorant public might suddenly find the truth.

If we all do this then the word of TRUTH will get out; if we don't - and sit on our arses moaning, watching soaps and getting drunk- then we have no one to blame but ourselves.


Anonymous said...

while trying to find out answers to why there has been a de-constuction of our country, i came across more info on the how.
This from Australia but the same happened here.

Kevin Donnelly: Church vilified in classrooms Font Size: Decrease Increase Print Page: Print Religious wars have no place in our school education system

| April 17, 2006
THE Australian Multicultural Foundation recently launched a series of books for primary schools titled Harmony and Understanding. The rationale for the series is to "foster a better understanding and respect for cultures and traditions of Australian society".

One hopes that the editors of Jacaranda Press's Year 7 and 8 textbook SOSE Alive 2 will study the Harmony and Understanding material, because they are in urgent need of guidance about what constitutes religious intolerance.
In its teachings about medieval life, the Jacaranda book presents the Catholic Church in a negative light, portraying its teachings as based on fear and its monks as indolent and selfish. As if that's not bad enough, the accompanying CD vilifies icons central to the church's faith.

One of the scenes shows a medieval village where a heretic is about to be burned. Close by is a religious figure holding a cross incorporating the figure of Jesus; after clicking on the cross it changes into what appears to be a witch's broom. Whether intended or not, the implication is that Catholicism equates with witchcraft and superstition. In the same scene, several religious figures are shown looking at the figure tied to the stake. On clicking on the head-piece of what appears to be a senior member of the church, it changes into a dunce's cap.

That students are expected to see the church as the villain is confirmed when they click on the word "heretic" inscribed above the victim's head. It changes to "heroine" and there is no doubt where the allegiance lies of those responsible for the material.

The most unsettling thing about the Jacaranda book's treatment of Christianity is that it illustrates, once again, how left-wing thought police have succeeded in their long march through the education system. Forget Woodstock, Vietnam moratoriums and flower power; the cultural revolution of the '70s and '80s was also about the way education was identified as a critical instrument to overturn the status quo.

Former Victorian education minister and premier Joan Kirner told the Fabian society in 1983: "If we are egalitarian in our intention we have to reshape education so that it is part of the socialist struggle for equality, participation and social change rather than an instrument of the capitalist system."
Instead of acknowledging Australia's success in providing prosperity, stability and peace, leftist teacher academics argue that society is, in the words of one textbook set in teacher training courses during the '80s, "disfigured by class exploitation, sexual and racial oppression, and in chronic danger of war and environmental destruction".

In teacher training, as noted by Monash educationalist Georgina Tsolidis, teachers were told "to instil in our students feelings of self-worth premised on the value of what these students already knew and the value of what they wanted to learn, rather than the intrinsic worth of what we wanted to teach. Our job was to produce young adults who would challenge the status quo through skills of critical inquiry."

While education has always been concerned with the search for the truth, it is obvious that "critical inquiry" means something different. Since the release of the Keating government's national curriculum during the early '90s, history has been transformed into studies of society and the environment with a politically correct stance on multiculturalism, feminism and environmentalism.

Early European settlement is described as an "invasion", instead of celebrating what we have achieved as a nation, students are taught "black armband" history and Australia's Anglo/Celtic culture is presented as simply one culture among many.

In English, everything from Shakespeare to tissue boxes to Australian Idol is considered a worthwhile text for study as students are taught to deconstruct texts in terms of how those more privileged in society are able to dominate and marginalise others.

Even science teaching has fallen victim to cultural relativism. Instead of recognising the primacy of western science, the South Australian curriculum argues that different versions of science are simply socio-cultural constructs.

The consequences of the long march are clear to see. Students leave school culturally illiterate, with a fragmented view of the world. Worse still, given the politics of envy and the spiritual emptiness of postmodernism, many students also leave school ethically challenged and morally adrift.

Kevin Donnelly is author of Why Our Schools are Failing (Duffy & Snellgrove, 2004). This is adapted from an address to a Quadrant dinner in Sydney last Wednesday


Anonymous said...

A Book Every Patriot Should Read.
BRITAIN HELD HOSTAGE. like Londonistan it won't be on many shelves Amazon is best.

This is the story of a secret war, not waged by Britain and her allies, but by diverse groupings of British and American politicians - many of whom were Fabians - and of French and Italian politicians, all from the resistance movements. Despite their diversity they had one aim, the destruction of the nation state, and one relentless commitment, to a politically unified and socialist continent. "How is it possible to persuade a nation state, with over a thousand years of independence, to hand over its ability to govern itself to another power?" That is what has been happening since Britain joined the EEC 25 year ago and that is one of the searching questions posed in this explosive book. In "Britain Held Hostage", Lindsay Jenkins, who for 10 years was a senior civil servant in the Ministry of Defence, shows how successive Prime Ministers and politicians have either failed to understand the true nature of the EU or, knowing its real purpose and destination, have deliberately lied to the people of Britain and the Commonwealth.
She proves in this compelling, alarming and readable book how a small group of young British and American politicians, who met at the peace talks at the end of the First World War, took advantage of the political chaos created by the next war to begin a new European State, a first cousin to the Soviet Union. Today, with EMU only months away all the building blocks are nearly in place, though it has taken over 40 years, much longer than the pioneers believed. One police force, europol, is around the corner; one legal system (ending British trial by jury and habeas corpus) has been planned in detail and in secret. Already British law is subservient to EU law. The last - and most contentious - piece of the jigsaw will be one army under one command foreshadowed in eurocorps. Federalists believe the EU will soon be strong enough politically to dismantle NATO though they pay lip service to it now.