Saturday, January 17, 2009

Nick Griffin on Facebook

Nick Griffin. Chairman and Leader of the British National Party

Damn but I am hopeless when it comes to Facebook and am just glad Our People on there know what they are doing.

However if you are a BNP supporter or member then it is your duty to join the site and help promote the British National Party and our Chairman Nick Griffin.

I have received the following message;
Hi everyone, this site set up for the purpose of supporting our chairman and leader, we want to wipe the floor with the others who are trying to do the same.

Nick Clegg only has 1200 supporters, Gordon Brown only has 2800 supporters and David Cameron only has 6900 supporters. If we can begin to beat these we will make the headlines 'BNP leader more popular than the Prime Minister', people back winners not losers so lets make the BNP the winners!
Come on then kinsmen. Let's roll.

You can give your support by following this link.

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