Thursday, March 12, 2009

Luton patriots show revulsion at the abuse of soldiers' homecoming parade

Please watch this video all the way through. I particularly liked the chanting towards the end.


Anonymous said...

Do we really CARE about their opinion? Are we really interested
in their point of view. They are nothing. They are NOT British however they like to think they are, (is a mouse a horse becouse it's born in a stable?) After all it's easier to face the Royal Anglians (real men)in Luton than face them on the battlefield. In fact why don't their all go and help their brethren fight against this 'injustice', or would than be a step too far for these cowards,
who are only interested in whinging in safety of Luton and the the company of police, who, incidently they called f....... cowards in the muslim Gaza march when they were in the collective safety of hundreds of their own kind instead of a dozen or so.

Anonymous said...

not so brave those soldiers of allah, extreme cowardice when confronted with the infidel. but more seriously as i body thought of the security issue here, you can bet browns boot boys never bothered to search the invaders, that would of being islamaphobic, what if one of those loons had decided to apply for his 72 nine yr old virgins, the fatalities wouild of being horrendous,
So a european mp is thought to be a threat to public saftey yet jihadist who support sucide bombings and whose assciates have already demonstrated their willingness to attack us in this way. they are allowed easy access to such an obvious target. Watch this space how long before we see the jihad against our troops carried out at one of these parades,If public saftey is paramount in this governments mind these demonstrations need to be halted.

Anonymous said...

The muslim activists who were protesting were organised and prepared. They know what there aim is and they are determined to achieve it. Meanwhile the indigenous appeared disorganised and amateur.I am sure the colonisation of our land hasnt registered with them before the antics of Jade or East Enders being more important.They probably have happily voted for Tony and Gordon up until now.
Well this is what Gordon and Tony have brought you, and its the task of the BNP to wake these people up and organise them; get them to the polling booths.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home to England men...notice any changes?

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the English lion stirring.

Anonymous said...

One of the koranimals was displaying a plackard
"crusuade against islam"
Great idea, where do I sign up?

Anonymous said...

The Luton episode highlighted to me the lack of focus of the crowd. OK it was spontaneous and for that, they came together well. The chant they eventually all joined in with was ‘we pay your benefits’. Of course we do. The point here is the gaping gulf between traditional British values and muslim values in the perception of that chant.
The chant was meant as an insult to guilt the protesters as burdens on the indigenous society. Muslims don’t ‘do’ guilt. They were probably quite bemused or even took it as a compliment that they were in receipt of infidel ‘jizya’. It’s this and other common misconceptions that the UK public at large needs to discover – they don’t play by our rules. How can you equate British ‘integrity’ with Muslim Taqqiya?

I think retaliatory chants in such situations would be more effective if they told it like it is.

How about this, based around the Pet Shop Boys ‘Go West’

Go home.…you’re not welcome here
Go home.…we don’t want Sharia
You’ve played….the asylum game
Go home….back from where you came

Of course, if you really wanted a result, really wanted foaming-at-the-mouth-wide-eyed fury, why not go for the jugular and sing to the tune of ‘John Kettley is a weatherman…’

Mohammed is a paedophile, a paedophile, a paedophile.
Mohammed is a paedophile, Aisha’s just a kid

Rudy Mental

PS Hey, maybe we could allude to the pork-aversion with a simple Pythoneque ‘SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM’

rudy_mental said...

The Luton episode highlighted to me the lack of focus of the crowd. OK it was spontaneous and for that, they came together well. The chant they eventually all joined in with was ‘we pay your benefits’. Of course we do. The point here is the gaping gulf between traditional British values and muslim values in the perception of that chant.
The chant was meant as an insult to guilt the protesters as burdens on the indigenous society. Muslims don’t ‘do’ guilt. They were probably quite bemused or even took it as a compliment that they were in receipt of infidel ‘jizya’. It’s this and other common misconceptions that the UK public at large needs to discover – they don’t play by our rules. How can you equate British ‘integrity’ with Muslim Taqqiya?

I think retaliatory chants in such situations would be more effective if they told it like it is.

How about this, based around the Pet Shop Boys ‘Go West’

Go home.…you’re not welcome here
Go home.…we don’t want Sharia
You’ve played….the asylum game
Go home….back from where you came

Of course, if you really wanted a result, really wanted foaming-at-the-mouth-wide-eyed fury, why not go for the jugular and sing to the tune of ‘John Kettley is a weatherman…’

Mohammed is a paedophile, a paedophile, a paedophile.
Mohammed is a paedophile, Aisha’s just a kid

Rudy Mental

PS Hey, maybe we could allude to the pork-aversion with a simple Pythoneque ‘SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM’