Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You think things are bad now?

Soon men like these will walk the streets of Our Country

For a long, long time now, Nationalist Blogs have been saying that Pakistan is all but finished. The nation that was born out of bloodshed will end in even greater bloodshed by toppling into the Abyss of real Islam, with Sharia Law implemented to the letter.

And if it were not for their nuclear capability, that we helped pay for with our "Foreign Aid", I would not give a fig how they run their country, slaughter each other or how many of them die.

Sounds hard? Well in these days, you must learn to become hard because things are going to get really bad in Our Country before they can become better. And we are going to see a lot of blood and death on our streets in the years to come. Do not believe me? Sadly you will one day.

Because as Pakistan collapses, hundreds of thousands of them will flee to Our Country to escape the growing violence and in with those hordes will come the preachers who have helped destroy Pakistan and they will continue their World War on our soil.

And as they consolidate their positions in their enclaves they begin their attacks on surrounding white neighborhoods by physically attacking our young men, by targeting our young girls and by intimidation.

Eventually, those whites who can, will flee. Ask yourself this. If multiculturalism is so good why does the phrase "White Flight" even exist? Then their ghetto expands ever outwards until an whole village, town or city is under their control and a no go area to the white people who once lived there.

There can be no integration, Moslems are forbidden from integrating or having friends with the Christian Monkeys. They do not want our friendship, all they want is Our Land and eventually our lives. You must learn to understand the mentality of the Moslems if we, the True British are to survive as a people.

And as their positions become stronger, so to do their "demands" increase for more and more "concessions". And our treasonous politicians, safe in their Ivory Towers give into their demands in the hope of gaining their blackmailers votes to maintain their personal power and wealth at our expense. What deals are being done behind closed doors to buy peace?

And in parts of the country still unenriched, parts of the country becoming smaller every day, there are True Brits who refuse to even acknowledge that there is a problem and continue to live their lives hoping that the crocodile of Islam will eat them last. Those people are cowards and traitors to their children. In short, they make me vomit because they are a part of the fifth column that will help destroy us.

Make no bones about it, our enemy is well organised. They are operating to a well tried and tested plan of violence and demographics that has gobbled up many other countries to the east of us.

They have been brain washed since birth. They are prepared to fight. They have been bred to fight. And many of them are prepared to die, either with a gun in their hands or their finger on the button of a bomb. They will walk our streets with weapons in their hands as casually as they walked the streets of India and Pakistan in their recent terror attacks.

There are going to be riots, there are going to be more bombings, there are going to be political assassinations, there is not going to be a river of blood, there is going to be a tidal wave of it. Maybe not this year, maybe not next year but that wave is rushing towards us and hit us hard it will.

The True Brits of this Country have but one hope and that hope is the British National Party and rest assured if they do not prevail then neither do we as a people.

Although we have been fighting in Afghanistan for six years, the reality is that the war may just be starting in Pakistan - a nuclear-armed country of 170 million with its huge immigrant diaspora living in our midst.

Interesting article in the Daily Backstabber.


Anonymous said...

Pakistan's nuclear capability should be removed forthwith.

Anonymous said...

Urban11, I could not disagree more.

The nuclear capabilities of that sorry state that calls itself The Islamic Republic of Pakistan are far, FAR more likely to be used against their own people than used against us. Let them keep their toys. when they throw them out of the pram it is highly unlikely to be us on the receiving end.

Anonymous said...

You may not want to post this link GA, it is a horific collection. You have been warned.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I forgot to say ...

Welcome back to Cyberspace GA. I see you've dried out the damp string between the two tin cans that forms a crucial part of your interent connectivity at last....


Anonymous said...

Celtic Morning. Afraid you are right again GA. We will see such scenes. Our political rulers for the past fifty years have encouraged and promoted multiculturism. Well violence, rioting and murder are part of their culture so what else can we expect. We need to reverse the present ethcic cleansing which sees us being outnumbered and driven from our own lands. Time to get out the big broom and sweep our country clean of the cancers of islam and immigration.

Anonymous said...

Slightly off-topic but a friend in the Met tells me that Lord Chip Shop of Jihad is to be released in time for Friday prayers. He also informed me that no DNA sample was taken, as his Lordship refused to allow it. Chief cop agreed - because he's a Lord and the issue was too sensitive.

Anonymous said...

"Many British Asians [Muslims] see a society that hardly inspires them to integrate. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear. Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian [Muslim] way of life, not the other way around.
We must be careful about the language we use. Many Muslims are deeply offended by the use of the word "Islamic" or "Islamist" to describe the terrorist threat we face today."

- David Cameron MP
Key signatory to MCB funded UAF

Camerons signature is two thirds down LH column here -

There are only two political parties to vote for in Britain today ...
... the eu/liblabcon/islamist axis and the BNP.

Still thinking of voting Tory? ........

Anonymous said...

"Many British Asians [Muslims] see a society that hardly inspires them to integrate. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear. Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian [Muslim] way of life, not the other way around.
We must be careful about the language we use. 'Many Muslims are deeply offended by the use of the word "Islamic" or "Islamist" to describe the terrorist threat we face today."

So says David Cameron MP ...
... Key signatory to MCB funded UAF

Camerons signature is two thirds down LH column here -

There are two parties to vote for in Britain today ...
... the eu/liblabcon/islamist axis or the BNP.

Time to choose!

Anonymous said...

These terrorist organisations are the ones who push for sharia law to be implemneted into the UK/Europe.

Sharia will not stop at domestic issues..sharia would have girls removed from education and demand women to be shrouded & kept indoors, to say the least.

Anjem Choudray was granted leave to demonstrate last week to promote sharia in this country.

I would like us to unite to counter demonstrate against the introduction of sharia in this country...all the arguments against sharia are obvious, rational and neccessary before it is too late.


Faith, we did counter demonstrate at most of the past muslim demonstrations,but the people did not come,downing street 07 thirty five,trafalgar square five hundred,st stephens green 08,two hundred,where were you?

Anonymous said...

a very true and worrying article. Unfortunatly the bnp seem to of adopted a rather naive popularist policy to war we are already fighting on serval fronts.To withdraw troops from afghanistan is not only abandoning that country but speeding up pakistans fall into the hands of islamists.To withdraw to fortress Britain and allow our enemies carte blanche will only add fuel to their insane jihad. Both afghanistan and pakistan can be saved but this would need operations along the lines of the how the malay emeregency were conducted As we know our leaders have no wish to halt the islamists they are allies in the distruction of western civilisation. As for ww3 starting in pakistan. ww3 started way backed in kosavo and we,re LOSING

Anonymous said...

The Tories are beginning to talk the talk.

But don't expect them to walk the walk.

Anonymous said... are quite correct to question my absence at your counter demonstrations and I apologise for making the assumption that nobody is making their voice publicly heard on this matter.

I applaud your stand and am heartened by so the number of supporters that did turn out to your demomstrations.

As a retired person I have the time to attend such as those, there being nothing so pressing in my life than to apply myself to what is most important to me, that being the shariatising of this country.

However, although I spend a good deal of time reading on the Internet of such matters I can only plead ignorance of your demonstratons and, I am sure, your continual work to rid our country of sharia and all that goes with it.

I do assure you that I do spend a lot of time up here in the north of the country promoting the rejection of sharia, its followers and its trappings and I thank you for the knowledge that you and your fellow supporters have indeed made your voice heard.

Anonymous said...

People think I'm crazy when I try to explain this situation to them, or they judge me as racist. Just look at what happened in Kosovo.

Anonymous said...


The The Religion of Peace™ subject index has just been updated with dozens of new links, and a new section dedicated especially to NHS patients entitled 'Doctors of Death - The Medical Malpractice Jihad'.

Anonymous said...

"What deals are being done behing closed doors to buy peace ?
I don't think it is necessarily behind closed doors either, our mis-Government gave Hamas the terrorist organisation £30 million at the same time we are in a recession. I can tell you this latest move by this Government has become very divisive the natives say no but the Muslims in Britain are all for it, but if this Dhimmi Government thinks that this money will buy peace, they are SO wrong. politicalMIZZ

Anonymous said...

Ah, but dontcha know? It's not a race problem, it's a class problem. That's what were always told if there's any trouble.

Those Afghan and Somali "youths" stabbing each other last week in London had nothing to do with race and was merely because one of the groups (can't remember which) liked taking afternoon tea and cucumber sandwiches whilst the other preferred a pint of bitter and a ciggy.

Come the Marxist revolution there will be no such thing as class, and all races will live in peace and harmony.

Anonymous said...

What many have not yet grasped is that Bangladesh is heading rapidly in the same direction. Do a Google on "talibanisation bangladesh"

Given that they are the least economically successful ethnic group in the UK they are ripe for exploitation by extremists.

Tomorrow's big problem for the UK?

Anonymous said...

One of your best articles! Frightening.

Sarah Maid of Albion said...

All very true and well written.

We did not only pay for Pakistan's nuclear capacity through foreign aid, it was also paid for with the money which is being transferred out of Britain every day for the last forty odd years.

Whenever there is a terrorist act anywhere in the word, there is almost always a connection to one of four countries, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia and (albeit a bit less so these days) Afghanistan.

From two of those, Pakistan and Somalia, we allow almost open door immigration into Britain.

To quote a great man, we must be totally mad.

Anonymous said...

I have often wondered how many Muslims in the UK have had some kind of military / weapons training?

Is it time for Englishmen to return to the butts and let lose a few arrows?