Tuesday, March 20, 2007

If this man was black there would be a riot.

Here we have another case of a man, a real man, being victimised because of his belief in serving his country, Our country and his community.

It was revealed he was standing as a candidate for the BNP and he was then asked to stand down from his role as Regimental Sergeant Major, he quite rightly refused to do this and was demoted because of it.

Go read the details over on the Moray & Gordon site. Then weep.

Only the British National Party will restore justice and this mans well earned rank.

Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.


Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable! I hope the BNP publicise this vigorously on their site with the appropriate e-mail address so we can do a BNP Ballerina avalanche of protest!
In this dayt and age how many young men give years of selfless service to keeping the young on the straight and narrow?
This man deserves gratitude and respect not persecution by an evil State machine.

Anonymous said...

I think Gary is standing for the British National Party in the local elections this May.

Every voter in his ward will have a chance to make their feelings clear on this type of intimidation.

Every 'X' next to Gary's name, and the BNP logo, will hurt these people more than any number of emails ever could.

Stand proud Gary.
Stand proud Scotland.
Stand proud the British people.
Chris Hill

shieldwall said...

What a shambles this country is becoming and what a travesty of justice this episode was.Lets hope he wins,he deserves it.

The Green Arrow said...

This man deserves a commission at the very least. One day I hope to see his so called superiors drummed out.