Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Morley List of Shame

Well it looks like Labour has sunk to a new low even for them. Morley and Rothwell Labour MP Colin Challen has been rushing around town trying to get together a list of organizations and groups opposed to the British National Party. The Campaign is called “Morley Together” and you can read about it here.

However before we move on to the list, let us consider what we know about the not so Honourable Labour MP Colin Challen. Well some of you might remember him for this

When Colin Challen (Lab, Morley and Rothwell) rose to speak in the commons, he was met by cries of "Oh, oh, oh," and even of "Balls".

For Mr Challen seems to have been persuaded to stand down at the next General Election so that his seat can be given to Ed Balls, Mr Brown's right-hand man.

The shadow Commons leader, Theresa May, suggested Labour's Colin Challen (Morley and Rothwell) might have been promised a Lords seat if the chancellor becomes prime minister.

Well we shall see what we see. Now for the list. My comments are underneath.

Morley Town Council
It is no business of a Town Council interfering in elections. Their purpose is to serve the electorate not dictate to it. Write and tell them.

Bruntcliffe School, Fountain Primary School, Woodkirk High School, St Francis Catholic Primary School, Churwell Primary School, Hilltop Primary School, Asquith Primary School, Westerton Primary School. Gildersome Primary School, Morley High School, Blackgates Primary School, Seven Hills Primary School,
So desperate for signatories was he, that this creature of Labour has resorted to dragging School Children into his efforts. No matter which political party you support, you should be horrified at this use of school children in politics. All concerned parents should complain now.

Morley Church of the Nazarene
Well talk of Turkeys voting for Christmas. The British National Party is the only political party that cares about Christian values and wishes to halt the cult of Islam spreading. We urge congregation members to have a word with their Vicar about right and wrong.

Greens Decorating, Victoria Business Systems, LP Supplies Ltd, Ravenheat Manufacturing Ltd, Chadwick Lawrence Solicitors, Frank W Dobby and Co Chartered Accountants, Vivian House Residential Home, National Flexible Ltd, Kelly Williams Chartered Accountants, The Fountain Medical Centre
Well the people of Morley and surrounds have a clear choice here. I know that I for one would never do business with or use the services of an organization that was not only opposed to free speech but also prepared to sign a declaration to that effect. Boycott the companies and tell them why.

Well Morley it looks as though your M.P. has shamed your good name. Join the British National Party and help restore it.


shieldwall said...

These buffoons will try anything wont they!,it seems the lower the better.I believe they are running scared,that is why they try these tactics,THEIR TIME IS NEARLY UP,AND GOOD RIDDANCE.

BFB said...

Desperate tactics from desperate people. Quite pathetic really!

Roll on the May elections!