Monday, March 24, 2008

London BNP (The Londoner)

Television news report on the British National Party and the distribution of the excellent (The Londoner) leaflet for the GLA election on May 1st 2008 in which supporters of the opposition falsely accuse the BNP of incitement of racial hatred. Anyone who has read this leaflet will know it only contains facts, if it does incite racial hatred it is not the BNP who is to blame!


Anonymous said...


Check this out

The "member of the metropolitan police authority" shown in the clip is titled as an "Independent".

The truth is rather different.

"A barrister and chair of the Society of Black Lawyers, Peter is a campaigning human rights advocate who has a wide range of interests from employment discrimination to deaths in custody and child care law. He has chaired several mental health homicide enquiries, is currently a member of the Attorney General's Race Advisory Committee, and has sat as an immigration judge since 1996"

His phone number is 020 7202 0184 (stated on that website). Why not give hinm a call and ask what was so inflammatory about his speech given on the 23rd of March 2001 that the MPA have decided it is best withdrawn from public scrutiny until after the local elections
Metropolitan Police Stop and Search

Anonymous said...

Why does the Attorney General need a race advisor, surely we are all equal under the same law?