Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cultural sensitivity

By Sarah Maid of Albion

Imagine if you will, a patriotic or cultural parade, march or festival in an Islamic country, you know, one of those affairs where they fire their AK-47s into the air, yelling traditional chants about Jihad and great Satans, whilst a group of their even more zealous brethren promenade along in front of them flagellating themselves, and sometimes each other, until they are all bloody, in the manner Christian monks thought better of in about 1500 AD.

Have you got that jolly little scene fixed in your mind? It shouldn't be too difficult, we see it on TV often enough.

Now imagine that the local authorities demand that they call the march off, because it "might offend" the Christian community, who might go so far as to riot. Can you just imagine what the reaction would be to that?

That is more difficult to imagine, I know, because it just would not happen.

However, when the boot is on the other foot, just guess what happened to the St George's day march in Bradford.


Anonymous said...

Coventy has also had to cancel their St George's day parade the excuse used the dragon has become too expensive at £3000.
Any excuse in the book is being dug up and recycled into reasons why the English must be held back by the Fascist left!


Anonymous said...

Taken from jihad watch which seems to hit the nail right on the head.
readers comment...

In the UK Muslims are regarded by the powers that be as just another bunch of immigrants. Almost 100% of UK Muslims are non-indigenous. Yes, there are exceptions, as Robert has pointed out.

Due to political correctness, all minority groups immediately acquire victim status and are thus treated with more leeway than indigenous people when it comes to enforcing the rule of law. This is an insult to the indigenous people.

Furthermore, since the UK's Muslims are almost exclusively non-indigenous, any criticism of them is automatically interpreted as racially motivated. This is due to the mass hysteria that descends when any perceived reference to race in a critical context is detected.

Yes, we all know that Islam is not a race, but it suits the Muslims and our leftist government to regard it as such.

Prior to Saturday's Bernard Hopkins - Joe Calzaghe fight, Hopkins decreed that he would never lose to a white boy. If Calzaghe had said the equivalent about a "black boy" he would no doubt have been widely condemned and ostracised. The race card can be played one way only, which leaves indigenous people disadvantaged and angry.

Current UK government policy is to keep unskilled workers on benefits/welfare and import immigrants to do the jobs that cannot be done by British people because the wages are too low to maintain the standard of living that they have become accustomed to. Immigrants tend to vote Labour - and why wouldn't they given the welcome they receive?

On a final note, a St George's Day parade through a mainly Muslim area of Bradford has been cancelled following police advice - apparently, because of "... fears it could stoke up violence."

Now, guess which section of the "community" was likely to cause that violence? The Buddhists? The Wiccans? Bradford's Amish folk? The Followers of the Teachings of the Great Prophet Zarquon?

When was the last time you heard of a Muslim parade being cancelled or even diverted? Muslims can brandish placards inciting murder and the police stand and watch.

Now do you see why the natives get restless