Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Boris Johnson reveals

Boris selling us out in Brick Lane

Not to be outdone by the creature Ken Livingstone's shameful visit to the Jamme Masjid Mosque in Brick Lane, Turkish Boris and his entourage were pulling up at Brick Lane even as Red Ken was pulling on his shoes to go buy some votes there himself.

Piling out of his car and straight in to the Eshaat Ul Islam Mosque, Boris revealed to everyone for the millionth time that he has Moslem ancestors. Yes we know Boris, just as we know your real name is not Johnson but Kemal and that your a real slimy creature who should really travel on your belly than on a London bendy bus.

"I won't score political points," Johnson told his madrassa religious school hosts, who were were too busy dreaming about the £3 million promised by Red Ken for their new Mosque and Minaret should Honest Ken secure the Moslem vote to listen to Blondie.

Boris then took the opportunity during a mental recount of our money, to remind those who might have been listening that his great-grandfather knew the Koran by heart although considering his great-grandfather was stoned to death by Moslems because of his liberal views, I am not sure that is something to write home about and made his next statement seem stupid and foolish. Even for Boris.
"Islam is a religion of peace and has made huge contributions to the development of our society,"
Of course they are my bright little star. Stoning people to death is considered one of Islams greatest contributions, right up there with beheading people and honour killings. You great pudding. Are you as shameless as Livingstone?

And his solution to crime? Why he wants to recruit more Moslems into the Metropolitan Police. Why not give them the keys to our nuclear deterrent whilst your at it Boris.

Thank God for the British National Party, because there is no doubt about who the likes of Johnson and Livingstone speak for and it is not the remaining True White British.

It is times for the remaining Whites of London to take a trick from their enrichers and colonisers. They have their Operation Black Vote. Time for Operation White Vote. This is no longer about class, it is about survival. Vote BNP on May 1st.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to feeel for London don't you GA?

How on earth have they ended up with a choice between a cowardly marxist Brit-hater and a toffe-nosed buffoon, equally cowardly and just as willing to beg in true dhimmi style for votes from the enemy. Such are the depths cowards will stoop to to satiate their lust for power.

What a sad state British politics is in if these two are the prime choices for mayor of London.

Wake up Londoners - kick these two charlatans where it hurts and vote for the only party who will put Londoners first, the BNP.
