Friday, October 31, 2008

The BBC and Richard Littlejohn

The trouble with Richard Littlejohn is that he wants to hunt with the hounds and run with the fox. One day he will have to decide which it is to be. For now, he can do both and pick up his big fat pay check to feed his corpulent frame but soon he will have to make that choice.

He is not stupid and yet by constantly attacking the British National Party he alienates himself from his dwindling readership as the support for the BNP grows and his readers realise that the BNP are not the "knuckle dragging" monsters he makes out.

But having said that, it does not mean that he sometimes does not hit the nail right on the head and today he done that in style in his regular column in the rag you should only read online. Why pay money to a newspaper that could come out and speak the truth but continues to stab the True British People in the back?

Here is his article which reveals not just what is wrong with the BBC but also Our Country.

Come on Richard, you are going to have to join us one day. Do it now, before it is too late and we close the door on you forever. We are seriously good eggs.

Big Hat tip to English Rose for the video link.


Peter said...

Yes, a good watch. I wish their time was up as the last caption was suggesting.

Anonymous said...

I disagree, although his article seems to hit the nail on the head, later I thought, what an efficient way of letting the masses believe that "justice has previaled" and "we can all rest now" because Ross and Brand have been punished and therefore thre revolution has been fought.

I even think this whole prank was set up deliberately by BBC bosses in order to upset restless middle Britain with a faux controversy and appease them with a faux solution!

Richard Littlejohn is just another decoy in the big corrupt scheme of things. Bet he is having a chuckle with Ross and Thompson in a private room somewhere, laughing at the dumb yokels falling for the media theatrics.

Peter said...

I dont think they are that clever anon 14.45 certainly not Ross anyway. The only foresight that he has is that he knows that he will continue to pick up his £16,000 a day after his 12 week wage loss.

I am at a loss though why people think Ross and Brand are just the slightest bit funny.

Peter said...

I dont think they are that clever anon 14.45 certainly not Ross anyway. The only foresight that he has is that he knows that he will continue to pick up his £16,000 a day after his 12 week wage loss.

I am at a loss though why people think Ross and Brand are just the slightest bit funny.

Old Atlantic Lighthouse said...

Will the police charge the pensioner who stopped the sledgehammer breakin with a hate crime?

He pulled off the mask of the jewelry redistributor. Isn't that assault? No wonder the pensioner tried to make his escape after boldly engaging in assault in front of a crowd of 50 people while the redistributors were doing their job with sledgehammers. No wonder the 50 stood their doing nothing.

The whole episode demonstrates the LibLabCon mentality and the Eloi training that is given in the public schools.

Anonymous said...

All those angry people leaving comments on Littlejohns column...and will anything happen? will we see change...???.. of course not, we're British

Anonymous said...

The BBC's time will never "be up". Why? Because of you all, the dense British public, who refuse to employ even the most rudimentary of LOGIC and realise that if you got rid of your television you would:

1) Be free from mind pollution

2) Be Doing everything in your power to deny the BBC funding and thereby deny its existence

3) Be £139 a year better off -money that your kids would be grateful to be in receipt of

Happy viewing, morons.

The Green Arrow said...


Could be a good spoof article there.

Why not write one for us.


Trouble is we would miss watching Poirot and Sherlock Holmes.

And the Flash Gordon repeats. I love those spaceships and costumes.

Airborne said...

Here is a link to how New Zealand binned their TV Tax!

Freeman said...

A major flaw in what anonymous said about not having a tv to avoid giving money to the vile bbc :
For 1 Why should the likes of the bbc dictate who can use a television,getting rid of your tv is just letting the scum win !
& 2 the "free" tv licences that are given to the over 75's are paid for from general taxation ,the bbc don't believe in free subscriptions for anyone !
Just don't buy a bbc subscription ,it's still the best way.

Anonymous said...


Be it BBC, ITV, SKY... you are all still victims of the same institutional mind-f**k. The fact that the public can't countenance this fact is a clear case in point of the successful conditioning the state has exerted over you all.

Be free, bin your TV.

Hey, that rhymes!