Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Top Turnip Cleric wants one eye veil

Dressed like that, they are just asking for it

At first I thought the following story, was the Turnips idea of an April Fools Day prank, but no. Checking the Cult of the Dead Paedophiles Calendar,I found that day fell on Tuesday 24 Raby 'al-awal 1429 A.H. Besides, their idea of a joke is telling porkies to our Dhimmi politicians about how peaceful they are whilst hacking someones head off.

One of the Saudi Arabian top clerics, Sheikh Habadan, who has wide influence throughout the world was answering questions on the Moslem satellite channel al-Majd when he came out with a real corker.

Keeping a straight face he called on women to wear a veil that reveals only one eye. By all accounts, veils showing both eyes encouraged women to use eye make-up to look "seductive".

Barking mad the lot of 'em. Trouble is, rabies is a dangerous disease. The sooner it is removed from Our Country, the sooner the better.


Anonymous said...

Why are we tolerating this insanity in our once great nation?

What kind of idiot believes in a God who is capable of creating such an abhorrence, it needs to be covered from tip to toe lest it corrupts those who see it?

Mind yuu, what kind of idiot tolerates this oppression of women in the name of "religion"?


Anonymous said...

Celtic Morning. Its no use criticising the turnips. Everything has a purpose. Why is it that they do not veil their goats? It is because in most cases the goat is more pleasant to look at and the faces of most of their females are better off covered up. They do us a favour. Less chance of frightening our little ones.

Anonymous said...

Be even less chance of frightening our little ones CM if we weren't so dumb as to toletrate the death cult of the paedo prophet.


Anonymous said...

Doll grooms kids to follow the paedo-prophet: http://www.hyscience.com/archives/2008/10/fisher-price_do.php