Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fiona Edwards. A dangerous dupe

Dhimmi Dupe - Fiona Edwards

Just what is it with some of our young that they prefer to support others over their own kind and Country?

Take Fiona Edwards who is the Students Women's Officer at Sheffield University, who is shamefully crowing that she was instrumental in the persecution and removal from the Students Union Council of a person who is allegedly a supporter of the British National Party.

She has swallowed the lies of Big Brother and her marxist tutors and despite her education she now believes that 2+2=5 and that the BNP are linked to violence and a threat to her precious multicultural students' union. She loves Big Brother. She is lost to us but not forgotten. What goes round comes round.

Fiona, like all brain damaged communists is a friend of everyone. Every one that is except white men.
Over the last weeks I have worked with representatives from the Black Students' Committee, Disabled and Dyslexic Students' Forum, LGBT Committee, Women's Committee, Islamic Circle, Jewish Society, Student Assembly Against Racism
LGBT in case you did not already know it, stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual. Are there any normal students in Sheffield?

What happened to the White Students Union? Oh that's right. There isn't one. That kind of organisation would be racist.

Unsurprisingly, Fiona is one of the Searchlight/UAF crowd and is busy organising a campaign to try and hold back the tide of the BNP from gaining a seat in the Eurabian Parliament next June.

The meeting is taking place in the SatPal Ram Meeting Room tomorrow. I wonder if Fiona knows that the meeting room was named after a vicious Asian killer who knifed Clarke Pearce, a white man to death and who subsequently served 16 years in prison for the cowardly crime.

If you would like to know more, Fiona says don't hesitate to contact her at fiona.edwards@sheffield.ac.uk


Anonymous said...

I wonder, GA, if I might inquire whether you intend at some point to pen an article on why the majority needs to organise, and what they're organising for?

Not requesting one you understand, maybe just suggesting.

It occurs to me that the 'silent majority', which you're so continually anxious to be the mouthpiece of, might have a degree of hegemony in their social outlook and desires, and so it is necessary for minorities to organise to protect interests, rather than majorities.

Unless of course 'true nationalists' are minorities amongst the boundless masses of 'dhimmi traitors', 'brain damaged communists', 'sheeple' and 'clowns'.

Anonymous said...

Fiona said this according to the link:

'The success of the campaign demonstrates again that students overwhelmingly reject the BNP's politics of violence and race-hate. Thank-you to all those who were involved in the campaign, and helped ensure our students' union is a safe place for all students.'

And yet Fiona does not mention any examples of the 'BNP's violence' or the BNP's rate hate. I really get upset that such stupid people get places at university and then pretend they are clever and get their state paid jobs bossing everyone else around (all against fascism ironically).
She is blatantly an idiot and a waste of a university place.

Anonymous said...

What a silly little girl.

Fetch my slipper. She needs to be dealt with.

Sanctimonious cretin with magical views on life and childish ones on the ordering of society.

Just where do these people come from? See "Eloi" in the comments section of the below blog entry.

"Over the last weeks I have worked with representatives from the Black Students' Committee, Disabled and Dyslexic Students' Forum, LGBT Committee, Women's Committee, Islamic Circle, Jewish Society, Student Assembly Against Racism"

How does she reconcile her support of the "Islamic Circle" with her support for the "Jewish Society"?

How about reconciling "Students Assembly Against Racism" with the undoubtedly large continent of racist Zionism within the "Jewish Society"?

Surely she must be able to bring closer the wonderfully befitting LGBT with the passionately understanding "Islamic Circle"?

These arrant contradictions have clearly never been explained to her -just like she has never had the frivolity shaken from her by an evidently essential act of discipline.

Pompous little cow.

Ps, where did she get that Brian Connolly (The Sweet) haircut!


F**kin' '70s throwback!

See the comparison here:


Ace. Where would be be without the Reds to parody!?

Nighty night.

The Green Arrow said...


I guess we are organising for our very survival.

I think you will find that whites are the real minority in the world and also now, in large parts of their own country.

I would really like to know what makes people like you tick but sadly do not have time.

Anonymous said...

I'm not in the BNP, I consider them too soft, too "British" of the church going type my parents would like.
I rejoice however that the Right is rising across Europe and applaud this type of wetness in a silly student.
For every headscarf wearing, dreadlock sporting member of Young Searchlight are a handful of intelligent young people keeping their heads down smiling to themselves.
People and land, especially white people and land are spawned from the same carbon, the connection is powerful.
Fiona feels important and virtuous, allow her this nice feeling.
She is innocent, no doubt loved by family and basking in the pride of her loved ones.
She is also silly, like many young earnest people.
Meanwhile, quietly unreported and given "no platform" by the media, the real power is rising silently all around her.
Its almost tempting to say "BOO"!
But no, it might spoil the surprise at Sheffield and other "safe" houses.

Anonymous said...

white Brits are a world wide minority and entitled to thier own culture and land. Do you support the rights of other groups in thier lands? If so, they are nearly all majorities in their areas but minorities in the world too. (this is ture for every African tribe you may support etc)
Also, it is not just a question of minoirty status, some of us believe that there are principles that are separable from whether a group is a minority. For example, the principle of political freedom (aside from the fact that the BNP are a minoity anyway in this case).
Green Arrow has for example written about the principles as applied to women - the wrongs that some cultures do to women. Now, statistically women are nearly always around 50% of a population (OK, exceptions exist such as the new generation in China). It is not always just a question of minority status, there are what we beleive to be right and wrong as well - this seperable from minority status.
Can you see that?
Can you also see that white Brits are a world wide minority? As are whites?

Anonymous said...

Why has Fiona got a see through top on? That looks gross.

Anonymous said...

Fyrdist - in reply to
"How does she reconcile her support of the "Islamic Circle" with her support for the "Jewish Society"?", I'd note that she never claims to support these groups, or agree with them in any way, merely that she has worked with them. I've no doubt you've worked with members of other political parties on political issues (as do many BNP local councillors) but it would be ludicrous to claim that you (or they) agree with them or support their aims. Working with people gets things done, deliberately not doing so tends towards the opposite.

"magical views on life and childish ones on the ordering of society." - Childish like 'get out of MY country!' or even 'OMFG what stupid hair!'? Maybe I'm naive, but my parents always taught me that the adult way to behave was reasoned debate, negotiation and even sharing. Though I hate to say it again, one of the reasons so many people are disenchanted with the BNP is that sometimes these outbursts come across as petulant and demanding - it's all very well saying it's your country and you want it back, but lots of ordinary people fundamentally disagree with your party, and are quite certain that it's their country too.
Wow, if all the evil Marxist conspirators were eliminated, the pure peace-loving civil British public would be free from all affliction. And yes, we can have a greener economy whilst transferring trade to Aus' and NZ instead of the fascist EU (and presumably lowering home-production with 'focus on quality rather than quantity'[?]). The magic of BNP policies must be fine then...

Anon. - "there are principles that are separable from whether a group is a minority" I'd absolutely agree, but my point is that minorities necessarily have to organise to protect rights against infringement by the hegemonic majority. As such, it is hardly reasonable to suppose that the majority's rights are in need to of protection above that provided by the hegemonic influence imposed by society (which is, by the very definition of majority, comprised principally of the majority group). I completely agree with your point that "the BNP are a minoity anyway" and indeed that was somewhat my point - unless the 'silent majority of true British nationalists' you seem so sure of are in fact a minority, why is their hegemonic social awareness not enough to ensure their rights are not infringed?

Incidentally, I'm perfectly aware that on a global scale almost any group you choose to name is minority - what does that have to do with anything? Unless you see campaign (for campaign's sake) on the part of a minority justifiable under any circumstance?

Anonymous said...

Are you implying that if a group is not a minority (as designated by you on your criteria - since we are all minorities on some criteria) we can not discuss policies? We are to be silenced by you? And this is on your rules that only minorities can discuss issues and you decide the criteria for minoity membership?

Anonymous said...

Anon. - "Are you implying that if a group is not a minority (as designated by you on your criteria - since we are all minorities on some criteria) we can not discuss policies?"

No - just trying to explain why majority interests do not need organisation to protect them, since social hegemony enforces organisational structures far more efficiently than any artificially induced group or campaign.

In essence, my point is that any group which aims to speak for a majority does so needlessly - a true majority consensus needs no organising. Through this point I hoped to highlight the possibility that the BNP's 'silent majority' doesn't exist (or is certainly not a majority).

Individuals and groups can all discuss policy, but why does a majority view need extraneous representation when the majority will naturally reject other approaches?

Anonymous said...

She is not a silly little girl, she is an ambitious young woman who has been brought up in the days of anything goes, and will side with whoever she feels will further her carreer. Like many she is a Marxist but wouldnt even know what a Marxist is, so subtle has the brainwashing been.

Anonymous said...

I should like to take issue with RH. (GA, I thought Reds were banned form this blog until they allow us on theirs?)


1) RH -“I'd note that she never claims to support these groups, or agree with them in any way…”

Fyrdist - Inherently, the political Left are friends with everyone, try to appease all groups and attain to the dizzy heights of unobtainable and equally unnatural egalitarianism. (See George Galloway’s Muslim-inspired Respect Party and its manifesto of Pro-queer rights, etc.) Your rebuttal here is clearly a knee-jerk reaction to what essentially was a valid point I made: the arrant contradiction of befriending and “understanding” both aims and demands of completely opposite cultures, races and causes. If silly Fee-Fee claims to understand, acknowledge and thereby endeavour to adopt into her extra-curricular activities concerns of those that are in stark disparity then she clearly is nothing short of a sycophantic yes-man –sorry, yes-woman…er, sorry, yes-person, or whatever you absent-minded Reds wish to call yourselves. (I believe the current ‘trend’ is to call people –that’s human beings with souls, hearts and a lives- after inanimate objects: “Chair” instead of the wholly natural “Chairman” –in accordance with “mankind”.

2) RH - “Childish like 'get out of MY country!' or even 'OMFG what stupid hair!'?”

Fyrdist –Pray tell, when did I say ‘get out of my country!’? If you are here responding to the mythical interpretation of an average Nationalist –mythical because it is induced in you by the putrid output of a biased, state-controlled and capital-controlled Forth Estate (media)- then might I strongly suggest that you remain in context and to the point: your issue here is with me and not with Nationalists in general. With regard to the issue of her hair, I was making a very reasonable observation and was not degrading myself to puerile name calling. Please endeavour to distinguish between a droll comment and dross criticism.

3) RH –“My parents always taught me that the adult way to behave was reasoned debate, negotiation…”

Fyrdist –Thanks very much indeed for that confirmation of the childish act of the Left-wing in their “no platform policy”. (Try shooting fish instead of your feet).

4) RH – “I hate to say it again, one of the reasons so many people are disenchanted with the BNP is that sometimes these outbursts come across as petulant and demanding”

Fyrdist –What utter, utter nonsense! Haha! Just when I was starting to take you seriously. What credible evidence have you for this wretched assumption?

5) RH –“It's all very well saying it's your country and you want it back, but lots of ordinary people fundamentally disagree with your party”

Fyrdist –Please see my mention of the Forth Estate in the response to statement 2) for reasons why the public think they way they do. Did you know that if the People have never been asked if they wanted immigrants, the repeal of clause 28, membership of the EU, etc.? If they had been asked these subversive acts would not now be in place. Why do “lots of ordinary people…disagree with your party?” You might here want to seek recourse in the laudable work of behavioural psychologist Car Jung’s interpretations on Operant Conditioning. N.B: for anyone old enough to remember the first influx of foreigners into this country, please note the wholly NATURAL aversion to them. This is NATUARAL HUMAN INSTINCT. Only with the passing of time and the resulting mind control exerted by the system and is secretariat in the media; the repressive Race Laws, etc. have masses been programmed to deny inherent feelings, to not listen to their heart and listen instead to the Dear Leadership –or suffer the consequences of denouncement.
The presence of immigrants in this country is illegitimate: it has no mandate from the People.

6) RH -[tongue-in-cheek] “ And yes, we can have a greener economy whilst transferring trade to Aus' and NZ…”

Fyrdist -We do that now, you cretin!: Cox apples brought from NZ instead of being transported from their native Kent –all in the name of globalisation. I’m certain you have unashamedly misunderstood BNP economic and foreign policy. See “Imperial Preference” for the historiography on our traditional trading partners, and more importantly the REASONS WHY we seek trade with them.

May I please now get back to my work for the cause? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Are there any normal students in Sheffield?

Are there any normal students full stop?!

Anonymous said...

you seem to confuse majority in numbers (of course on your criteria) with hegemony. There is no logical necessity that a majority by numbers as along any criterion (criteria) necessarily means hegemonic views. That is total nonsense.

Anonymous said...

RH- re your apparent confusion with a member of the 'majority' group discussing political issues:

as an example, I am a member of the majority in the sense that I abhor paedophiles - does that mean that I may not complain about the tiny minority of people who do comit such acts against children?? I can not comp[lain or even comment because I am a member of the majority?
Obviously that is nonsense.
A majority member is not stripped of his rights to comment/complain/object about the behaviour of minority group members by the fact he is a majority group member.

Anonymous said...

to RH:
most members of this country are not in full agreement with those in power - to assume that the policies in place are in accordance with the majority of the majority is not necessarily true.
Whenyou say "majority interests do not need organisation to protect them" it appears that you are implying that thepolicies inplace are in the interests of the group that is the majority. This is not necessarily true. Even in cases where it were true that would not mean that members of the majority group should not comment or even organise to protect these interests.
It appears you have read a few phrases in your polytechnic (is it 'uni' now) text book and not thought them out for yourself.

Anonymous said...

by 'hegemonic' do you mean the views in place in this society? The views that are imposed on us all? The 'dominant' views as in the policies in place?
If you do mean these then these are the views of those in power. They are not all my views. And, your pseudo rebellious leftie vision is, rahter ironically, in support of the powerful in this context.
For example, the BNP are deprived of many rights. The views of the BNP are not those of the powerful (i.e. the hegemonic views). This is especially true in respect to immigration. It is the powerful lefties and their friends of global multinationals who impose mass immigration on us. The BNP (and myself) oppose this policy.
Lefties with thier Che t shirts and 'stop the fascist BNP' badges are actually supporting this hegemony. However, they seem to beleive that the are the rebels. If you want to rebel agains the system join the National Front. Not the UAF (many major politicans are supporters of the UAF - see my point?).

Anonymous said...

I hope to reply to all comments, and equally hope that GA will allow me to do so, in the spirit of open debate - I'd suggest if this is to be taken much further you visit my blog, where later this-evening (or when I've finished some of my coursework anyway) I'll do a round up on this discussion as a fresh post.

Fyrdist -
"I thought Reds were banned form this blog until they allow us on theirs?" - I'll publish anything on my blog if it's not obscene or libellous. http://beam.to/RedHanded

"Inherently, the political Left are friends with everyone" - Oh I see, we're in the business of making generalisations about the motives and beliefs of individuals based on the ideology you associate them with? I which case you won't mind me assuming you do adhere to the "get out of my country!" mentality, because I see it published on 'nationalist' blogs so often. Oh no, sorry, the "issue here is with me and not with Nationalists in general". In that case, might I make a point about Fiona Edwards, rather than "the political Left"? I'm not sure we can counter specifics with generalisations, as it seems we've pointed out to each other.

"With regard to the issue of her hair, I was making a very reasonable observation" - For this misinterpretation, allow me to apologise; in a comment where you otherwise derided Edwards as a "silly little girl" I assumed this was merely a personal extension of the attack on her views. Bear this in mind when I say that activist such as yourself sometimes come across as childish - yes it may be a misinterpretation on our part, but it pays to watch how you say something.

"that confirmation of the childish act of the Left-wing in their “no platform policy”" - my feet? I thought we were done with mixing individuals with generalisations? In any case, the freedom of platform argument is a complex one I will not address here - rest assured that we can continue that on my blog some time in the future.

"What credible evidence have you for this wretched assumption?" - Sadly only personal experience from talking to people about their views on the party, so anecdotal at best. I would add, however, that addressing questions of 'evidence' when this argument sprung from the implied question "where is the BNP's silent majority?" is slightly disingenuous; we are asking each other for evidence which we are both likely to reject due to its source. Each of us is likely to distrust the other's sources, so an evidence-based squabble is somewhat counter-productive. As such, I was making the point that you could very easily be seen as petulant and demanding, rather than that it was a consistent truth, and explained why.

"If they had been asked these subversive acts would not now be in place" - I'd like to refer you to an episode of 'Yes Minister' in which the influence of a question phrasing is discussed. Would people like to be out of Europe? - Yes, many would, but do people want cheap red wine, easy travel for Spanish holidays and secure alliances between national leaders? Which question would you like to ask?

"the wholly NATURAL aversion to them. This is NATUARAL HUMAN INSTINCT" - By many psychological studies, so is rape. I fear going down this path with just lead, once again to conflicting evidence.

"The presence of immigrants in this country is illegitimate: it has no mandate from the People" - My precise point was that if this is the case, where is the majority (with their majority - true nationalist - views) fighting against it? Where is the BNP's majority? Either there are too many 'sheeple' (sorry to use another's jargon, another generalisation for which I apologise) amongst 'true brits' for action, or that majority does not exist.

"We do that now, you cretin!: Cox apples brought from NZ instead of being transported from their native Kent" - I think you'll find we have more trade with EU nations than NZ or Aus (possibly excluding coal). What do you suggest the consequences of switching to commonwealth-based trade rather than EU trade links will result in, considering your party's 'green agenda'?

As I say, i'll return to all all points raised given the opportunity, and then do a round-up on my blog (http://beam.to/RedHanded) later today, if I have the time .

The Green Arrow said...


I have been more than fair to you considering that it is people influenced by flawed thinkers like yourself who threaten my life and property daily.

That is the last post. The link for those who wish to continue debating with RH may do so on the link provided.

Anonymous said...

RH says:
'My precise point was that if this is the case, where is the majority (with their majority - true nationalist - views) fighting against it? Where is the BNP's majority? Either there are too many 'sheeple' (sorry to use another's jargon, another generalisation for which I apologise) amongst 'true brits' for action, or that majority does not exist.'

And he doesn't even notice that the banning of the BNP from various jobs (and the silly Sheffiled uni that is the topic of this story) is one means by whcih such dissent is silenced.
Many people are too scared to support the BNP because of this type of political suppression. Fascists like RH support this oppression then state that people too scared to support are not supporting cause they don't agree.
Perhaps if there were not the media lies and state suppression then the BNP would be a lot bigger. Let's stop the political suppression and see?

Anonymous said...

Jolly good point, Anaon (13.46).

I've taken up RH's invite on his blog. He's published my response. At the end I stated that he had gained my respect ('cos he is at least willing to debate) but after reading his filthy lies about Solidarity (which I have also refuted on his blog by HARD EVIDENCE) I am now unsure whether this purveyor of lies deserves any respect.

He seemed different -but now I'm unsure. I'll give him a chance to prove himself.

Anonymous said...

'course work' -why am I not surprised??? :-)
The devaluing of our education system, the means by which the suburban middle calss retain thier privelege, etc. - and the recent emphasis on course work as opposed to exams is a part of all that. You se if you had to sit next to a really smart inner city working class kid in an exam room that would just be too fair on the bright kid, but course work - oh yes, you can really take advantage there - course work disproportionately favours the home counties types like yourself (to a greater extent than exams - which obviously withall your home and enviroment advantages you already have advatages - but these are only greater with coursew ork). And then, when they have thier qualifications their sense of superiority only grows.
RH - must be nice living in the Home countires huh??? Try growing up on a council estate in the inner cities and then preach your superior stuff, go to a state school (no, not one in the Home COunties, an inner city one and not grant maintained or grammar, try the real deal).
'Hegemony' huh?? Yes. Nice word. But you need to think about it.

GA can we not have Rh and his red frineds on here? We get enough of thier stuff from the BBC and the government. It is the hegemonic view and can we have somewhere for a change we don't have to read/listen to it? They have the whole establishment.

Anonymous said...

Fyrdist - I'm not going to bother - his type will not think for real - they have too much at stake to really think - they have to spout thier stuff cause if they didn't and things changed they would be totally exposed. They have too much advantage to lose so they will not debate properly. Just ignore them. Let them wear thier Che t shirts in the Home Counties and do thier course work hahaha. At least they don't live in our areas.

The Green Arrow said...

Anon 15:24

Hi, we have seen the last of RH. In a previous comment, I stated that they had a fair run and those wishing to could carry on the debate over on the link site they provided.

No more reds. Promise.
You made a good point.

The Green Arrow said...

RH has left a new comment responding to some of our comments.

I suggest she repost it on her site which has now been publicised enough and those interested can go visit.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed how the reds always refer to the 'Nazis' and never the 'national socialists'? (which is what Nazi is short for)
I think that in their attempts to smear any right wingers they are trying to obscure the left wing/socailist aspect of 'nazism'.

Anonymous said...

My final post to RH:

“…the role of this ‘union’ in fighting the BNP’s cause.” -That is the lie to which I was referring.

I have given you and the general public three points in which Solidarity IS NOT “fighting the BNP’s cause.”

For the record and the purpose of clarity I shall point them out again (sigh).

1) Patrick Harrington -the head honcho of Solidarity- is in a, to quote from the horse’s, mouth: “rival party”. Not very pro-BNP, that, is it? I would have thought the BNP would have appointed a more internal figure to “fight the BNP’s cause.”

2) RH claims Solidarity are “fighting the BNP’s cause”, but Solidarity is openly encouraging members from all political persuasions. Need I point out the startling contradiction of this stance? No? Thought not.

3) RH claims Solidarity are “fighting the BNP’s cause” while at the same time their “Membership is open to people of all ethnic, religious and political backgrounds.” Make your mind up -Solidarity is either pro-BNP or pro-(supportive of) foreigners. It cannot be both.

You, sir, are either criminally remiss in your investigative skills (I think you’re probably studying journalism, which this said remiss will keep you in good stead with your political masters) or you are wretched liar out to score political points in your subjective analysis.

Either way I’ve spent enough time discussing these issues with you. I’m clearly wasting my time. I was encouraged at first by your reasoned debate; now, however, I’m disheartened by your mendacious view of the credible, independent and pro-British (not pro-BNP) workers’ union.



Ps, The “unifying spirit of unionism” you speak of is slavish adherence to, and Marxist servitude of, the rudiments of Judeo-Bolshevism[1] that is inherent in Establishment trade unionism. To break with that evil set-up is an act for the good of the People, rather than for the benefit of the corrupt, self-fulfilling, avaricious “leaders” of said unions who are servants of the State, just as the workers, under Bolshevism, were servants of the Politburo.

[1] “Out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State, there were in 1918-1919, 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Geogians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Czech, 1 Karaim, 457 JEWS. If the reader is astonished to find the Jewish hand everywhere in the affair of the assassination of the Russian Imperial Family, he must bear in mind the formidable numerical preponderance of Jews in the Soviet administration.” -Robert Wilton; Les Derniers Jours des Romanof (Thornton Butterworth, 1920), page 29.

Wake up, sir, wake up.

Anonymous said...

Fyrdist - 'RH' apparently stands for 'red handed' !!! Red with the blood of the tens of milllions of poor people murdered by the red ideology!!!
Fyrdist, please hold your respect for people who do not support mass murder. we can not respect this type of evil.
RH is a student in the Home Counties spouting this stuff - feeling jolly good about himself while doing it. In between course work - must get the qualifications so can keep the privelege and get a good job being a busy body later in life - maybe journalism or working for the state - perhaps a teacher telling kids the 'red' ideology or an equality and diversity officer. Who knows. But please do not give respect to those who support this mass murder. They are only different when they get a reality check - and they will not get that on a blog. It would take real life events of a dramatic nature, as happened to Horowitz. So the best thing is just to ignore them.