Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ealing Council and Searchlight dirty tricks

Please click, enlarge and read the above image.

It is taken from Ealing Councils list of political parties that are displayed so that ratepayers and residents of Ealing can contact the party they are interested.

However, if you look at the entry for the British National Party you find the following

Now if this is someone's idea of a joke, then it is not funny, because if you ring the number, then Sonia Gable will answer the phone and if you were to write to that address it would be delivered to the home of Gerry Gable, the owner of Searchlight and the person responsible for coordinating the violent attacks on members and supporters of the British National Party.

Now currently the BNP are receiving many donations by post and requests for new membership and your average person would not be aware of just who Searchlight are.

This is a deliberate attack on democracy with possible fraudulent intent. One wonders if this was the idea of the imported American company BSD?

You can complain to Ealing Council in a number of ways. All of them listed here.
