Monday, April 13, 2009

The screaming UAF Banshee

Good morning BNP.

Now there are those who might say, that we should not show footage of our enemies, as it gives them publicity.

Now whilst I can see their argument, I disagree to a certain extent. Take the above video showing some brain dead creature screaming into a megaphone.

And what a screamer, crowd puller and vote winner for the British National Party she is.

Instead of questioning our people, who would have been more than prepared to enter into a public debate, she prefers to order people not to listen or accept the leaflets of our activists.

Why? Because she cannot debate. She knows that she would lose and so she resorts to screaming at people. And if you look at the people you will she is recognised for what she is. A brain dead bully bitch and so they ignore here.

Her slap head friend helps us also by screaming out that "immigrants are welcome here". More support and more votes for the BNP.

I also found the captions amusing. Turn the volume down before playing. This girl is a real screamer. God knows what her neighbours think in the middle of the night.

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