Monday, July 13, 2009

Conference and Freedom

Green Arrow and friends after reading Martin's article

One of the sites that I like to drop into when time permits is that of Martin Wingfield, the Communications and Campaigns Officer for our MEP's. God if you knew how much I enjoyed typing that. OUR MEP's.

Well I just called in and found some information on a subject that as been playing at the back of my mind for sometime now. The flow of information or rather the lack of information that filters down to the activists of the British National Party. The problem now appears to have been dealt with.
This was addressed at the meeting by the appointment of a new panel of full time party administrators to deal with this. Emma Colgate (Staff Manager), Eddy Bulter (National Organiser) and Simon Darby (Deputy Chairman and Treasurer) will now be on hand to answer any questions and brief regional organisers who need to answer queries posed by their members.
Well you can read the rest of the report by Martin yourself by following the above link.

Thank you for that Martin. You have made a lot of people very happy in just one short article .

Oh and good luck to Emma Colgate (Staff Manager), Eddy Bulter (National Organiser) and Simon Darby (Deputy Chairman and Treasurer) who will now be on hand to answer any questions and brief regional organisers who need to answer queries posed by their members and awkward bloggers:)

I am a happy and motivated bunny now.