Friday, July 24, 2009

If I tell you, I will have to kill you afterwards

The name of the man who who really shot JFK was xxxxx xxxxxxxx

Take a look at the following letter. It is a reply to a Freedom of Information request and although the person who forwarded it to me as no problems with me revealing their details, I am removing them to highlight the main thrust of this post.

Dear Mx xxxxxxx,


Thank you for your email dated xxx xxxxxx 2009 requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am now in a position to respond to your questions as follows:

censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored

censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored censored

Information supplied in response to any Freedom of Information Act request may be subject to copyright. A single copy of information supplied under the Freedom of Information Act may only be used for personal, non-commercial research or study, unless stated otherwise. It must not be passed to others, copied or re-published in whole or in part without permission from the copyright holder. Any copyright statement that forms part of or in any way refers to the information provided must not be altered or removed.

If you have any queries about this letter or are unhappy about the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review, please do not hesitate to contact me in writing.

If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the Information Commissioner’s Office (Wales) cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by this Council. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office (Wales), Cambrian Buildings, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff, CF10 5FL. Telephone 029 2044 8044 or Fax 029 2044 8045 or e-mail

This letter is available in large print, on audio cassette and in Braille and also in Welsh or any other Community Language. Please contact us for further details or if we can help in any way.

Yours sincerely

Caron Hill
Corporate Complaints Officer
Resources Directorate
Tel 01495 742164
Fax 01495 766331

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this e-mail is a) the property of Torfaen County Borough Council; and b) confidential. It is intended only for the addressee. If you are not the addressee you must not disclose, copy or distribute this or take any action in reliance upon it. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by telephone on ++44 (0) 1495 766366, and re-direct the e-mail and any attachments to us. WARNING: Please ensure that you have adequate virus protection in place before you open or detach any documents attached to this e-mail.


I thought you might find that interesting. Surely someone with a bit of clout should challenge this or at least get them to change the term Freedom of Information to something more meaningful like We will tell you but if you tell anyone else we Will Kill You - or send you to Jail.

Now I was going to write enquiring about what happens if someone writes to the government asking; "Is it true you intend to wipe out the White British Population by flooding the country with colonisers?".

And for some reason they reply truthfully and say "Yes. You are spot on. However, if you tell anyone - well let's put it this way. You will be dealt with"

Then I decided against it as you already saw the point I was making and decided not to:)

This business needs to be challenged by all councillors, Assembly Members, MPs and MEPs from all parties who still value freedom and the right to distribute the truth.


Then I thought, what if I were to ask:
"Could this swine flu vaccination kill me?" and they replied: "Yes" and then refereed me to this bit in their letter or take any action in reliance upon it.

Hell you are up shit creek without a paddle.
