Sunday, September 2, 2007

Congratulations. So you have had a baby.

So where by are you Dad?

So your wife has just had a baby. Two in fact. You had twins. Way to go. Congratulations. A boy and a girl? Nice.

The year is 2007 and whilst you think things may not be perfect in Our Country they could be worse. An whole lot worse. Best thing you have ever done is stop watching the news and reading the papers.

You feel much happier now that you don't know about the terrible things that are happening around you. You just get on with your life and think everyone else should do the same. Besides you have a new family to think about now. Well BLOODY well wake up and start thinking about them.

Because in the year 2027, white people are going to be in a minority in many cities and towns across our, by then almost completely colonised country.

Both your newborn children will be in their twenties then. Sure your daughter is going to be older than an old goat would prefer one of his many wives to be be. And she might still have ideas about being an independent person but I am sure he would soon be able to knock those ideas out of her head. And the Dalek of Death outfit would cover her bruises. Thank you Dad.

And your son, what of him? Well he is either going to have to convert to Islam or wear the distinctive clothing of his Dhimmi servitude and pay the jizya (tax) in return for the protection that the Muslim state provides for him.

Of course, if he is a True Brit, he will refuse and probably be a fighter defending a besieged Christian compound, cursing the Government of today that as forced him into a civil war that need never have happened. He may well wonder why his father never done anything to stop the war.

So what are you going to do Dad? Wait for your son to pick up the gauntlet or pick it up yourself? Go on. Pick it up. Join the British National Party and take your place in the firing line with the real True Brits who care about not just their children's future but your childrens also.

"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."


defender said...

Heads up GA

----- Original Message -----
From: Group Support

Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 7:39 AM
Subject: Demand a Referendum - Build the BNP

Saturday 27th October

There is now just a matter of weeks before Brown signs the new EU Constitution Treaty, and so joins the long list of traitor Labour and Tory PMs - Heath, Wilson, Thatcher, Major and Blair - who have hammered the EU nails into the coffin of British freedom. It is important that we make a special effort to make it a matter of public record that the British National Party opposes this treason, practically as well as in principle. In addition, the continued spiral of demoralisation in the electorally irrelevent UKIP makes this a crucial time for the BNP to press to become seen as a major player in the Euro-realist, anti-EU camp.

You may already have seen on the Internet calls for patriots to get involved with the ambitious plans for a pro-Referendum Rally being organised by Dr. Jonathan Wilson. What you will not know is that Dr. Wilson - despite saying that all anti-EU bodies have been invited to join the rally - has refused to invite the BNP. Well, we're going anyway!

Either the rally will fall far below the 500,000 hoped for by the organisers (the likely result of the deliberate shutting out of the only anti-EU party with any serious nationwide organisational structure and a memvbership not propped up on zimmer frames) or it will be surprisingly successful. If the former, then we need to be there in serious numbers to show how central the BNP is to the fight for British freedom. If the latter, then we need to be well represented in the crowds so as to make them as large and effective as possible - and to win new recruits with a show of polite and well-behaved strength.

Being far more realistic than the naive anti-EU lobby, we do not believe that anything that we peasants do will 'force' Brown to have a Referendum. We know that the only way he'll call one is if he's sure he can win it - just as the Europhiles rigged the one in 1975. But that's not the point. The achievable aim is not to stop Brown acting undemocratically, but simply to raise public consciousness of the fact that he is acting undemocratically, and that the whole EU project lacks any democratic mandate. We don't care what Treaties the politicians sign, because - provided we can mobilise enough public anger - once we're in power we'll simply rip them up!

The process of getting that power will be greatly speeded up if we can bring on board more of the good-hearted but naive activists who are realising that they've been wasting their time with the UKIP sideshow and various paper anti-EU groups. The extract below from the latest from the Referendum Campaign shows very clearly how the whole thing - at the organisational stage as well as on the day itself - is almost custom-built as a giant recruitment opportunity for the British National Party. Please read their bulletin carefully and - without mentioning or giving away your BNP connection - register as a supporter and a local volunteer on their website.

When the organisers put you in touch with other local signatories, work with them to organise transport and maximum attendence (make sure that if you get involved with hiring transport that you insist on full payment in advance so as not to end up forking out for useless Tory types who fail to turn up if it rains!) We will produce the appropriate recruitments aids and finalise our precise plans when we have a better idea of how many demonstrators - and how many BNP activists - will be marching through Central London on Saturday 27th October.


The website
is operational.

Our next key milestone is 5,000 registered supporters. To achieve this you
can easily help by carrying out the following simple registration



6. Once we have 5,000 registered supporters I will group, by postal code,
those supporters who have volunteered for local campaigning and put them
in touch with others in their group. Once you receive your group list
waste no time in collectively developing your local campaign for the Pro
Referendum Rally.

8. Organise mass transport to the Rally

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Bloody hell green she must be mad she hates fish and chips. She likes to say Whiteys, perhaps a little resentment that she lives in a shithole. Not to worry she seems overly educated and a sure fire bet for a nut job ward in the future. I think we I may link her in to my site, it will give our readers a laugh. What’s this Canada out of Afghanistan lark? I am thinking we have hooked a real life Mudslime. It’s a shame she is striving for a little justice for woman good luck to her. If she wants freedom and equality she should be linking in to all nationalist sites, as we are the only ones that will halt the mudslime advance. Still think she’s tits up though.

Anonymous said...

Ooops...seem to have pasted DM excerpts twice above

Forsoothsayer said...

you'd want to study some geopolitics. wars happen. you'd also want to study the quran...the text makes much ore sense in context and in arabic. the particular quote u are referring to pertains to a defensive war.

am actually protestant, and i choose to live in egypt, which i love, even though i can live elsewhere.

you people are racist. but i don't suppose you think that's a bad thing.