Thursday, September 6, 2007

Laughing at the turnips

This video can get a bit tedious but there is much in it that made me smile at the truth. Stick it out just for the ending.


Fidothedog said...

A total classic.

defender said...

started my day nicely GA,
checkout this link Some people are showing some balls,

Anonymous said...

Vee haf vays...

"Standard columnist hails repression of Muslims in Germany

In the London Evening Standard (5 September 2007) Anne McElvoy expresses her admiration for the repressive methods pursued by Angela Merkel's government in response to the threat of terrorism:

"Germany has a different approach to its Muslim immigrants than Britain. There is less emphasis on a 'hearts and minds' campaign; her hardline interior minister Wolfgang Schauble ended up in constitutional hot water for suggesting that if a suspected terrorist was wrongly killed, it was preferable to risking the wider loss of innocent life....

"What is striking is the difference in tone. The vast efforts of the Government in Britain since the first bomb attacks have gone into improving community relations, attempting to find Muslim leaders who can separate potential extremists from the mainstream. Mr Brown has reversed some of the more confrontational Blairite policies, like the ostracism of the Muslim Council of Britain. Borderline organisations like Hizb ut-Tahrir remain unbanned.

"In Germany and France, facing increasingly agitated Muslim populations, this would be unthinkable. Vast numbers of suspects are kept under the equivalent of control orders, deportations of troublemakers are more swift and frequent.... Germany, as one senior minister told me recently, does not believe in a 'softly softly' solution. 'Look where that got you', he said."

Anonymous said...

GA I know its a nice name etc but maybe you should stop referring to the Swarthies as turnips. A turnip is a vegetable,whose only future is to be consumed. Maybe the term would be better suited to the British people!!