Friday, September 21, 2007

Fury Over Govan Taliban On Benefits

FAMILIES of soldiers killed in Afghanistan are furious that a former Taliban fighter is seeking asylum in Scotland and you just know that he is going to get it. And everything else that he and his family will need. A house, furniture and benefits that you and I will have to pay for whilst struggling to pay our own way in life.

Ex-jihad?, front-liner Muhammad Hanif Hanifi has settled in Glasgow and wants to stay here and feed of the generosity of the British public. A public whose sons and daughters he once tried to kill and perhaps did.

Bobby Wright, of Edinburgh - whose son Corporal Mark Wright died in Helmand province last September as he tried to rescue six comrades crippled in a mine blast - said: "I am appalled by this tale.

"If he fought for the Taliban, in my opinion he should be put up against a wall.

"Why are we letting these people into the country and why are we all paying for it?

"Mark was all we had - our only son. This is a slap in the face to all the parents who have lost someone over there."

Rosslyn Graham's son Ross was killed by the Taliban in August last year. She said: "This man's attitude is disgusting. When people see how he helped kill our troops they won't be so welcoming.

"He is a coward for seeking asylum here. He should be put on the first plane back."

How do we know he has changed his ways? Leopards like this cannot change their spots and the only thing we should do for this man is to dump him back in front of the soldiers he tried to kill and let him take his chances. Just like our soldiers have to do every day out there.

Why are we even considering letting in another terrorist who will plan deaths whilst feeding of our stupid dhimmi generosity?


Hat tip Elizabeth


Anonymous said...

Let him be given assylum. Amd then let retribution be taken by a vigilante group. Surely it is time British people organised a resistance movement to deal out proper justice when the establishment chose to deny it. Such a movement should also deal with the assorted feral youths and adults such as drug dealers,paedophiles, burglars and all the rest of the riff raff who make lives unbearable for law abiding citizens. Unless the establishment start to punish and see that justice is done then such a movement should become inevitable. If no one else will protect us then we will have to protect ourselves- not only from criminals but from those who wage war against us from within our own country. The cry would be " dont take the law into your own hands." The reply should be " whose hands should it be in anyway!"

Anonymous said...

ps. "How do we know he has changed his ways?" We do know that he has not and will not change his ways. He lives by the teachings of the Koran

The Green Arrow said...

Your right as usual Celtic but our dumb politicians have never heard of the The practice of Al-Taqiyya being the deliberate lieing to the anyone is not a follower of the dead paedophile.

Anonymous said...

Surely he is now considered a prisoner of war?-at the very least he should be intered, although those that fight out of uniform against regular uniformed soldiers, such as the maquis or any guerilla force, do not have the protection of the Geneva Convention, and could be shot. Of course this only applies if you are a whiteman, as a special protected species of vermin like this(why they are protected species I will never know as they outbreed us 5-1) are above the normal rules of war, and of course should be warmly welcomed to live in our midst on our taxes. This is gross treason, and makes a mockery of our soldiers fighting these savages. If normality ever does return to these shores then a whole lot of heads are going to roll. And I hope that includes the heads of those who think they have safely retired or moved on to pastures new.

youdontknowme said...

We are giving people that once killed our servicemen everything they want. We are the laughing stock of the world.

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Green I did a post about this animal on Wednesday, and I still feel sick after writing it. I cant believe that we have sank so low and we betray or forces so badly. This Taliban animal should be shot as a spy and traitor.
Who will take the blame if he starts attacks in Scotland like his doctor buddies. Our country has gone insane...................

I am so angry at this.............

They are pushing the people of this land too our limit.........

Do they really want some to take the IRA route to preserving our nation, maybe thats all they listen too, it seems to work for the Mudslimes.

Anonymous said...

Aberdeen....There comes a time when a nation becomes so desperate at continued betrayal by its rulers that drastic and uncharacteristic action is liable to be taken. Are we close to that time? Or have the British people no real pride and anger left? Examples like this should spark off riots in any nation that still values self respect.