Saturday, November 3, 2007

Malik the lieing Muslim Minister

They cannot help it. They are taught from birth to lie and even if elevated to high office to meet Government quotas of colonisers serving as government ministers, they will still lie to suit their version of events.

Shahid Malik MP, squealed like a stuck pig when he said he was detained for 40 minutes by security staff searching for the bombs that are usually found on people who follow the cult of the Dead Paedophile.

Instead of praising the officials for protecting not only his safety but also the safety of fellow passengers he chose to play the usual "deeply offended" card.

But like most Moslems whose mind set is still stuck in medieval times, he did not take into account the white mans magic or video tapes that had recorded the incident and showed that his bag search lasted no longer than 8 minutes.

Malik the liar, also claimed that he had only been stopped because he was a Moslem. This was denied by the the Security officials. Why, I have no idea. Malik is a Moslem. He should be stopped. He may not be a terrorist but most terrorist murderers are.

Malik who reported this "outrage" on his website as since rolled over like a dog and removed his version of events from the public domain.

Philip Baum, the editor of Aviation Security International, said: “He has done a disservice to his country. It is a disgrace at a time when security is of the utmost importance and airport staff are under immense pressure. There is absolutely no room for any exaggeration from a British government minister and he needs to be called to account,” he said.

Malik the mouth, you will remember, is Our Country's biggest leech MP, who claimed almost £200,000 in expenses last year.

He has also made spurious complaints in the past that have also been revealed as lies. Will he resign? What do you think?


The Bournemouth Nationalist said...

Malik and his ilk are rotten to the core, we see it time and time again over at liars buggers and thieves dont we GA. If it's fraud, deception or something along those lines you can bet your bottom dollar the religion of pieces is not far away, I mean just look at the latest headline on the BNP's website for confirmation.

Mind you this is exactly what they are taught to practice by their book I believe it is called taqiyya known to us mere mortals as deception

The Green Arrow said...

Anon.I do not know about you but I personally will not rest until the cult of the dead paedophile is removed from Our Country.

The Green Arrow said...

Bournemouth we certainly do. They are sick mad creatures. I have also noticed over on Enrichment News, now that the data is starting to build is how sexually frustrated they are by the number of sexual assaults and rapes they carry out.