Friday, November 2, 2007

Sutton in Ashfield West ward by-election results

The Lib Dems really pulled out all the stops on this one and not to be out done Labour bussed in the paid activists from the Marxist trade unions and blanket leafleted the entire ward. I wonder how much that cost their membership?

Despite being massively out gunned the small but dedicated team of British National Party activists kept knocking at doors right up to the close of polls and brought home a good result.

With six candidates standing the results were always going to be interesting

  • Lib Dems 873 - 37.02%
  • Labour 560 - 23.75%
  • BNP 321 - 13.61%
  • Independent 275 - 11.65%
  • Conservative 257 - 10.90
  • Green 72 = 3.05%
Well done Michael Clarke and the BNP activists. Also a big thanks to the 321 people who saw through the lies and the mass of propaganda put out by the illusion of democracy parties and voted for the British National Party.

The opposition will say that this result shows that the BNP are nothing to fear but they wetting themselves. The percentage of the vote that the BNP are now regularly obtaining is enough to cause chaos in hung marginals come a general election.

And whilst it is true that the Lib/Lab/Con pact are all one and the same, each branch of it would much prefer to be the ones feeding of the taxpayers. Look for them to start doubling their efforts to discredit and defame the only hope Britain has left. The British National Party.

Slowly but surely the BNP advances and will not be stopped.


Anonymous said...

Well done to the BNP and to the voters not fooled by words we here daily from the goons at Westminster.
Their worry over BNP results are proven by the sudden and recent interest in the previously taboo subject of immigration.
The BNP are forcing the issue onto the agenda politicians would prefer to leave it where it's always been kept off the menu.
Even Phillips has had his orders to throw a few crumbs.
Too little and far too late!
Good on yer BNP!

watling said...

The percentage of the vote that the BNP are now regularly obtaining is enough to cause chaos in hung marginals come a general election

Spot on, Green. This was the 2005 result in Watford:

Labour: 16575 (33.6%)
LibDem: 15427 (31.2%)
Tory: 14634 (29.6%)
Green: 1466 (3%)
UKIP: 1292 (2.6%)

Could be interesting if the BNP stands there - which it must. I expect the UKIP vote to nose-dive. Ditto, but to a lesser extent, for Labour.