Friday, November 30, 2007

This cannot be right?

Dog pornography

Lawrence Bailey, the former Labour Leader of Swansea Council has been banned from becoming a councillor for two and half years, after pornographic images were found on his computers. He had continued to download these images despite being warned numerous times over a five years period by council officials. Why wasn't he reported from day one?

Bailey was investigated for three months before being told by the Clown Prosecution Service that no proceedings would be taken against him. However, he fell on his sword and resigned from the council. And quite right to. Sadly it was a virtual sword and not fatal.

Altogether, over 70,000 images were found on his rate payer funded computers and these were described as "hard-core pornography!". One wonders how he had time to serve the people of Swansea, if half the time he was trawling the net for porn and the other half of his time was spent in privacy with a box of tissues... Too much information? Thought so.

Me? I am just pleased that there were no child images discovered, which makes a pleasant change from most of the Lib/Lab/con politicians I add on a regular basis to the Liars, Buggers and Thieves blog.

But what does concern me is something almost as vile as child abuse. The abuse of democracy. The investigation report also found that one laptop also contained 253 letters to the Swansea Evening Post.
"Although the police examination showed Mr Bailey as being the author, the documents purported to have originated from various residents of Swansea,"
stated the report."In some cases the addresses did not exist or the postcodes did not match them, or the true residents had no knowledge of the letters."
Now I do not know about you but I would be very annoyed should someone use my identity to put forward political opinions of any shape or form regardless of whether I agreed with the fraudsters writings or not. Hacked right off to be precise.

Surely those fraudulent letters must be an offence? And if so, Bailey should be dragged before the courts and put on trial. Then, if found guilty he should also feel the full weight of the law and not a slap on the wrist from a friend at the club.

By the way, if ever I appear to be flippant over the seriousness of some of the things that I write about, I can assure that I do take them very seriously but I have become brutalised by the actions of the parasitic politicians that mislead us whilst bleeding us white.


Anonymous said...

What about some 'Teddy pornography' - Mohammed and Ayesha shown bear?

The Green Arrow said...

Hi Najistani, strangely enough whilst looking for the Teddy I came across one of a bear in a position that would excite some people. I left it there and moved on without making a note of the link. I wish I had kept it now.