Sunday, May 18, 2008

Boycott Islam

Peaceful protest and direct action against the rising tide of sectarian violence faced by the white/non-muslim community!


Anonymous said...

it is only common sense.they have boycotted our busineess's for years,when did you last see a muslim buying flowers ? when did you last see a muslim being driven by a white taxi driver ? why do you never see muslim names in the obituary column ? why dont muslims live in high rised flats ?

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Give the Glasgow lads a boost, post a comment to these Reds/

Anonymous said...

Your racism amuses and scares me. Before you claim you aren't racist, and you're just sticking up for the "indigenous" British population:
- This is a direct attack against a whole race (Muslim), with some emotive pictures at the end, which are hilariously misplaced seeing as in the First World War the British were fighting principally German troops.
- What counts as indigenous? I suppose you're all pure blood English then, without anything 'foreign'
- And yes, because someone was born a little way away from you over the channel or a stretch of land, that clearly makes them evil people who want to kill and rape you.
Well done.
In the interests of free speech I wonder if the "blog author" (as it says below) will permit this comment to go through. By the way, I'm white and English, so you might want to stick up for me and let my comment through.

Anonymous said...

Muslims are a race? I realise that belief in Islam is to some extent genetically determined, but I thought that was purely the result of idiocy caused by successive generations of cousin marriage, and could be cured by abandoning incestuous relationships.

But our anonymous geneticist assures us that Islam is incorporated in the very DNA of the believers!

Allah is indeed Akhbar

Anonymous said...

to the anonymous poster on 20 may 17:28 If it amuses you so much why don't you go to Iran and force your values and customs into their society.

Good luck Britain other British nations like Australia are hoping you win against the pathological multicultists.