Wednesday, May 28, 2008

When A Knight Won His Spurs.

You have to help me out here guys. I honestly do not know whether I love this song and the video or whether I dislike it for its cloyiness(is that a word?).

I am going to play it a couple of more times and see before I write another line. OK that is it. It is going out. The last few words hooked me. "The Power of Truth".

I would appreciate a few minutes of your time for your opinions on this video.


Anonymous said...

I loved it, im hooked played it 5 times.

Anonymous said...

"No charger have I, and no sword by my side"

The stance of the Christian whose only form of defence is living the Word by example and dignity.

Personally I would like to think the Church is supported by those who carry the sword and have the impetus to use it as I'm not wholly convinced that the pen is mightier.

The Green Arrow said...

OK. Me to. Play it a couple of times and your hooked.

Anonymous said...

GA, in answer to your question I think you'll find "cloyinGness" is the word you was looking for.

The song is not my cup of tea -but "The Wheel" is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

When I clicked the video, You Tube comes back with "We're sorry, this video is no longer available"


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Anya was that her name?
Hated classical music also Gregorian chants but that one NO!
Prefer ROOTS that has passion!!

Anonymous said...

I reckon it's good. We all loved to sing this one when I was a choir-boy in our village church.

Yes, they made us dress up in long flowing cassocks, and process slowly past the Norman knights' graves every Sunday. But we were still boys, and so we understood what Christian knights have to do.

We read our war-books through every boring sermon (Dad called them "tuppenny bloods"). We played murder-in-the-dark in the graveyard after the service. We climbed the steeple when the grown-ups weren't looking - it was how you got "in". And we were the top gang in the village because Nobody beat the choirboys, it was the rule.

It was Muscular Christianity in England in those days, and I wish those days would come back, for the CoE and for all of us good guys, and stuff the cops. When it does, I'm sure this hymn will be the song the boys will die for.

And the reason is, because it's Holy.