Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mad. We must be literally mad.

Those of you who are interested in parasites, might like to check out this article I wrote sometime ago, called The Midwich Cuckoos. I think you will find it relevant to the video.

Then when you have read that link then you must read this one because More Midwich Cuckoos is guaranteed to make you vote BNP for ever. If there is a for ever for us that is.


Anonymous said...

The Labour party is finding it increasing difficult to get its message over to the white working class. So in the interests of free speech, could you please publish this party Political Broadcast by Gordon Brown.

watling said...

Why the weird American accents in the video clip, I wonder?

Anyway, on the subject of cuckoos, Watford footballer Al Bangura (an asylum seeker from Sierra Leone) is one of the more famous examples. Local Labour MP, Claire Ward, was a keen supporter of his alleged right to stay in the UK, as was Elton John and David Blunkett.

There are doubts about his sob story that he would be in danger if he went back home, but that would be of no consequence to Liberal Leftie Labourshites.

It's not the fault of the indigenous people of the UK that most African countries are unstable dictatorships where the national sport is killing one another. So why should we house their refugees? Let's hope he gets kicked out at the end of his contract.

Now I know a lot of people out there like football, but of what practical use is a foreign footballer to the UK? They don't build anything, they don't make anything, they don't provide an essential service yet they get paid enormous amounts. More fool those who pay to watch them.

In fact, anyone who pays to watch football - either on TV or to a lesser extent (particularly in the lower divisions) to stand on the terraces - is funding foreigners at the expense of the indigenous people of the UK.

Shouldn't we be training our own kids to be successful sportsmen and women rather than importing foreigners?