Thursday, May 1, 2008

Inquiry into spoilt ballot papers

An inquiry has been launched after polling station staff spoilt ballot papers by writing on them.

London Elects, which has organised the elections in the city, said it was investigating the "isolated incident" in Lambeth, south London.

It said polling clerks had written what is thought to be the voting card numbers on 10 people's ballot papers. What the hell is going on? These people have had over a year to learn the rules governing elections. This stinks to high heaven.

A spokesman for London Elects said any mark other than the voter's cross on the ballot paper made it invalid.

A spokesman for the organisation said: "We have confirmed that at one polling station in Lambeth, polling station staff wrote what is thought be the polling card numbers on the ballot paper.

Watch them lads. Watch them. Not everyone plays by the rules. You might like to check out Simon Darby's early morning report here. If the story he had reported to him his true it means that our people must be extra vigilant.


BFB said...

I live in Lambeth and voted early this morning, I wish this story had been posted earlier so that I could check the ballot papers. As it is, I don't know if mine has been (deliberately) spoiled in this way.

Absolutely disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Any tampering of the vote should be considered high treason and dealt with accordingly, if you take someones right to vote you have taken ALL their rights.

WHY does such disgusting practice NOT get the outrage it desearves?

good luck BNP be vigilant,

have a great day GA you have worked hard for this too.


Anonymous said...

I agree this is treason, and the BNP should be making it very public that they will be pursuing it as that.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope the spoiled votes were for Livingstone. I agree with tbr above - it should be a treasonable offence to tamper with a ballot whether deliberate or not and tried by the courts. What's the betting the CPS will say there's no evidence of intent?

All BNP candidates and those who walked the streets and supported them are to be commended. The BNP just grows and grows and I, for one, am very happy, despite the smears in the msm. Thank you BNP.

Anonymous said...

Brings back memories of the last election miscounts, spoiled papers, the dead voting it gets more like a banana republic with each election, four years ago concerns were raised Labour have had all that time to change to a secure system yet now they tell us even the general election will be run this way.
How they can even use the word democracy i shall never know it should choke them.
Bought the local paper first time in months i started hating what i read after the influx of aliens into what was a quiet town.
5 illegals caught after working for council for 4 years Africans [ THAT EU COUNTRY]
A fifteen year old raped in the town centre by two males, description gives their height and get this! very short black hair and dark eyes.
I shall write to the paper this is digusting DARK EYES WHAT THE FXXX IS THAT ABOUT?
I want the colour white,brown or black! being a rape this young girl would have known.
Then a store was held up and never before have i seen this here, a gun was used 3 black men. [ THAT EU COUN TRY AGAIN]
This town is swamped by North Africans and gypo's and i for one have no intention of keeping quiet and pretending Europe has a black nation somewhere within.
What is it they say, every race is entitled to have pride and protect their culture everyone except the white race?
UN rights of indigenous peoples means me as well not just some African tribe why should i accept a quiet genocide of my race?

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

I bet they never markeds the ballot papers of people wearing hijabs, it would not surprise me if Livingstone voters had a secret wink, badge, handshake, that says dont mark my paper. They are corrupt and liars, Livingstone will be behind this.

Anonymous said...

good luck arrow and to all our brave people tonight,i hit a recored last saturday delivering 900 leaflets on my own in staffordshire and not a "no thank you" to all the people out there take the stance of ulster because come tomorrow it will be be the LIB/LAB/CONS with the headaches and we will simply soldier on to the next level.god bless the BNP

Anonymous said...

It's early days...we're not told who these cheats are, but we all know who lives in west central Halifax.

Postal voting is a joke...and the joke is on us Brits!

The Green Arrow said...

900. Well done Ivan. We are proud of you. This time the good guys get to win.