Monday, August 11, 2008

£5,000 Appeal For The 'Heretical Two'

The Truth is no defence. Guilty as charged.

As readers will be aware, Simon Sheppard and Stephen Whittle, the 'Heretical Two' are currently in custody in California after appealing for political asylum in the USA.

Their legal team in the UK's main concern at present is to organise an appeal for funds in Britain.

The minimum sum required in order for Simon and Steve to have any chance of winning this case is $10,000 [approx. £5,000]. Every day counts in this process, and we are anxious that the lads should not languish in gaol for want of money to pay a competent lawyer.

White Nationalists from various groups have rallied to the cause and an account for any donations to be paid into has been made available, see below.

Please give generously, the right to free speech on the Internet in the UK and Europe is under threat and if the Heretical Two fail in their appeal, ultimately we all shall suffer the consequences.

All cheques etc. for the Appeal fund to be made payable to the Croydon Preservation Society

All donations can be posted to the address below.

P.O. Box 301

Account details (you can pay cash directly into any branch of Llyods TSB using the bank details below)

Lloyds TSB. sort code 77: 3003 Account No 86187860

(Bank Address - 49 / 53 High Street, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1DT)


For Paypal use but state that it's for the Heretical Two. Remove the underscore between wnp and uk


The Green Arrow said...

Test comment

Anonymous said...

Is there a Paypal email ID for this fund?

The Green Arrow said...

There is an email for Paypal

Use but state that it's for the Heretical Two.

remove the underscore.