Saturday, August 23, 2008

Publicising Paedophilia

By Sarah Maid of Albion

As the world's most famous living convicted paedophile Paul Gad, a.k.a the ex-pop star Gary Glitter was pursued by the world's media across half of Asia. At times the cameras focused on his face in such close up, one could almost count the unhappy one time singer's nasal hairs. There is little chance of the press attention letting up, and we can be sure that the faded star's every movement will make newspaper headlines for weeks to come.

The flashbulb frenzy which accompanied Gad's appearances at airports from Vietnam to Bangkok, Hong Kong and finally Heathrow, threw into sharp focus those paedophiles whose activities the press choose to publicise and those they do not.

Some may claim that that Gad's one time celebrity status was responsible for the level of media attention, which clearly is true to a degree, but many otherwise obscure individuals with no famous past will find their faces plastered across the front pages and TV news stories if they are exposed as a paedophile.

In fact, paedophiles do not have to be one time celebrities for their mugshots to head up the evening news, what they do have to be, however, is white.

According to the press reports Paul Gad went to an Asian country and sought out under aged indigenous girls for sex, and as a result it became a major international news story. However, when large numbers of Asian men in British cities target under aged indigenous girl for sex the news media falls silent.

As we have seen before with the young white boys who are falling unreported victims to the imported crime waves on our streets, the sacrifice of our young girls is also going on beneath the press radar. If the victim is white and the predator is not, it is not news, no matter how young and vulnerable the victim may be.


Anonymous said...

What a brill post and a truthful one. Maid of Albion you are a star, I can only hope you have 20 kids as they will go on to become British warriors.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Totally unnacceptable!

Only ethnics can be victims.

Only whites can be criminals.

Hideously white British proles, you must accept your collective racial guilt for everything that has gone wong in the world since 3000BC

Then you must shrivel up and die, unless you are a pretty boy or girl aged ten or under, in which case you may have a future in Eurabia as a personal assistant to the Metropolitan elite.

Anonymous said...

An excellent observation.

Anonymous said...

Twelve years ago CROP support group was set up in Leeds...I don't know if it's still going.

The press are hounding Paul Gad as they should hound anybody who abuses children but for some perverse reason they are reluctant to give the koranic paedos a mention.

Anonymous said...

CROP is still going but is too politically correct to acknowledge the root cause of the problem as being the instutionalised paedophilia within Islam, especially as directed toward kuffar victims:

"CROP seeks to avoid any unwarranted generalisations or extrapolations in understanding the problem and developing responses to it. It acknowledges the limits of the evidence available in any context. CROP therefore totally refuses any and all racist explanations of the organised sexual exploitation of which it has evidence. CROP is aware that sexual exploiters come from various ethnic and religious and cultural backgrounds. In dealing with each case, all the facts need to be taken into account. But CROP does not, and will not, single out any group as a special source or agent of sexual exploitation. There is not a causal relation between ethnic, religious or cultural communities and the occurrence of sexual exploitation. "

Click on the Statement at

Anonymous said...

anon 11.04...thank you for that clarification of CROP...I have been googling it to find out more and you are correct there is no reference to any particular group of offender.

Colonel Wilberforce Buckshot said...

A compelling and most factual article by Sarah Maid of Albion but let us take it one step further than even this story reveals.

Did you know that over 500 children are killed every day in Britain in abortion mills yet they talk glibly of 'child abuse', human rights' the rights of the child' etc. But it matters not because those children are white. Imagine the outcry in our media if our 'doctors' were killing over 500 black babies a day because they were 'inconvenient' and it became known.

The whole child abuse industry just like it's other socialist construct the race industry is a scam, just another stick to beat whitey with.

Not to detract from the seriousness of the issue but as Sarah Maid of Albion so accurately illustrates, the Gary Glitters of this world pale in significance when placed in comparison with the epidemic of depravity being inflicted upon our children by our ethnic enricher's. And all with the approval of our ruling establishment.

pip pip

Anonymous said...

Didn't Brian Gerrish mention the connection between C.P and paedophilia in one of his speeches?