Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Carnival of Death endangers us all

The plastic police could not stop a bus let alone a thug

So what is the final score for the Notting Hell Carnival of Death? Not in yet but it is going to be high in costs of those injured, raped and mugged. And the financial bill for those people who live on the route of the enrichers parade of power will be seen in increased insurance premiums.

Then of course there is the small matter of paying for the policing of the event. How many millions as that cost London ratepayers because the London Authority does not have the courage to ban the event in case they upset the colonisers? Damn cowards. I look forward to seeing what Richard Barnbrook as to say about it all. Links please.

And from all over London and surrounding districts the police were sucked from their real duties of policing their own areas in order to stop London Burning.
In some wards Police Community Support Officers, who do not have powers or arrest, were the only ones from the safer neighbourhood teams on patch during the two-day festival starting on Sunday.
But we know the caliber of the plastic police. They will watch your children die rather then put themselves in danger and as they have admitted on numerous occasions, they are not "obliged" to intervene in high-risk situations. No tax collecting is their job, not policing.


Anonymous said...

the sooner we take the stance of northern ireland the better.some of these PCSO'S should be made to work with the PNSI over there,not as good as the UDR mind.but if you are a copper,litter nicking should be the last thing on your mind,

Anonymous said...

Saves money while appearing to respond to public concerns.

However, as one who has ongoing rather trivial but stressful problems with a malicious neighbour they are actually prepared to put in an appearance where the real police probably would not have bothered.

The concept of having less skilled (and cheaper) staff, whether in policing, teaching or any other public service to cover less critical work is not wrong in itself, only when it starts to become a substiute for the real thing,

The Green Arrow said...

xoggoth, you are right. My views of the CPSO has been coloured by experience and reading about their failings.

I am sure that many of them are very good and do care. Also many of them are taking it as a job when there is nothing else available.

But your final point sums it up nicely I thought.