Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ratepayers of Llanelli to fund French trip

I suppose it will do for a free weekend

You really want to know how deep the rabbit hole is and just where it leads? Then the only way you are going to find out is to replace your local Lib/Lab/con councillors with British National Party patriots.

Take this little tiny story tucked away over on this is carmarthenshire in which they report that NINE town councillors are jetting off to France for the weekend at the taxpayers' expense.

The group, along with two members of the, I know let us Twin with Towns in nice parts of the World and go there for free Committee other wise known as Llanelli and District Twinning Association and a council officer, are heading to Agen to mark the 20th anniversary of the twinning link between the two towns.

The Mayor of Agen invited his Llanelli counterpart to bring a delegation for the celebrations, which run from Friday to Monday.

No doubt next year the Mayor of Llanelli will reciprocate the favour and wash his French other hand and invite corrupt French Councillors to have a freebie over in Wales at the expense of French rate and taxpayers. How cosy. How corrupt.

Seriously people, if you only knew just 5% of how corrupt our Local Authorities (Councils) are, you would not be calling for elections,you would be calling for a revolution and looking for someone to import enough guillotines for every crooked and corrupt Councillor in the land.
