Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lynn Harper, Labour Party Thug

Take a look at the above video, that was taken at Saturdays BNP Day of Action in Neath.

Remember Neath, this is the Welsh town that Peter Hain MP, the South African associate of terrorists, said would run the British National Party out of.

Since then the BNP have leafleted at least three times and been made more than welcome by the real Welsh who live there. There are no "No Go Areas" for the BNP and there is no hiding for the crooks and criminals of The Establishment, like the carpet bagger Peter Hain.

In the end the only people who turned out to support him were people on his payroll and his thug, failed councillor, Lynn Harper ,who is also on Hains payroll. But you already know about Hain and the vanished £103,000 that he forget to mention after his failed attempt for Deputy Leader of the sinking Labour Party.

You also know about the £339,720 Hain sucked off taxpayers to fund his permatan and pay for fatboy Harper to strut around Neath. £91,415 Hain leeched of us last year just to help pay for his bully boy friend.

So lets move on to Lynne Harper, failed councillor and soon to be unemployed once Hain is kicked out of Neath come the next general election.

In the video you see what sort of coward Harper is, whispering threats as he walks by Roger Phillips of Wales BNPtv, because what he has to say is not fit for public viewing.

No questions, no debate just threats. Rest assured Harper we are on to you big time. Pity the police were there, I suspect you would have bit of more than you could chew. Unlike you, the BNP are opposed to violence but will defend themselves when physically attacked.

The BNP gentleman speaking at the end of the video is of course, BNP Councillor Kevin Edwards, who is also one of our Election Candidates, that you can vote for on June 4th. Help send a dismissal note of intent to Peter and his paid thug by making sure your X is boldly placed alongside BNP on your ballot paper.

Punish the Pigs on June 4th

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Where's the video or link ?
