Tuesday, May 19, 2009

UKTabloid, The Sun and the BNP

Good morning British National Party and what a great morning it is.

Yesterday, the BNP legal team, led by Lee John Barnes cracked The Sun newspaper?? as easily as you or I would crack an egg and now Adam Walker will turn that egg into a nice rich omelette that will feed him for a very long time.

For too long now, the air force of The Establishment have been able to bomb the BNP with lies and smears in their newspapers. They thought they were mighty and so high above us that we could not reach them.

But yesterday we brought down the first of their bombers and not just a tiny one but a super fortress with a readership of over three million voters. Also going down with the Sun were three regional papers that made the mistake of following them. All were placed firmly back in their boxes by the BNP.

The other papers will now think twice about taking off and attacking us now. Fine, if they will not come to us, we will go to them and destroy them on the ground.

Other good news, at least for the Green Arrow and Friends, is that there were 643 NEW VISITORS to this site yesterday. And if any of those new readers return today. Welcome back and please feel free to leave a comment asking any questions you wish or email us on voteforbnp@hotmail.co.uk with news or information you think we should know about.

Now 643 new visitors might not seem a lot, but if this site is able to retain just 10% of them and if those 10% become British National Party supporters and voters then we at the GA site and Forum are very pleased.

And if just 1% of them join the real family of the British National Party by becoming activist members and our kinsmen then I personally, am a very happy man.

Also, as the True Brits start to wake up and realise how they have been betrayed, then they need to know where to go to discover the truth. Yes, they can go here to the most popular party website in the country, the website of the British National Party but also they should be aware of other great sources for truth and information.

So, whilst I hold the BNP site in the HIGHEST esteem, there is one I put above it for news and information and that is superlative UKTabloid. This is the greatest site in the world for news on events that are happening around Our Country and the World that have an impact on the quality of life of our downtrodden people. You need never buy and help support financially our enemies ever again, once you have bookmarked the UKTabloid.

Now I do not know the name of the person or persons responsible for running UKtabloid. All I know is that he/she or they, are the real unsung heroes of the British Peoples resistance fighting the cyber war.

Whilst you and I are tucked up in bed they are labouring away to have the news ready for the early birds like myself. I tell you this, if I was still in uniform, I would salute them in public and I hope that one day we all know who they are so we can thank them for their efforts.

And going back to the new readers of this site, I hope they take time out to visit some of the links on the right hand side of this site. Information sites about our enemies and links to Patriot sites like the truly excellent Thurrock Patriots who today are writing about another lie published by the scum Sun.

Proud to be BNP as Swansea keeps telling me.

Whilst here I might as well mention the unofficial British National Party chat site here. You have to register to join in the chat but that takes about 20 seconds, 30 seconds if you are a bit of a duffer like myself. So come and judge for yourselves what sort of people we are.

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