Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I want to be called Loretta ...

by johnofgwent

Massive Hat Tip To "Old Holborn"

Now I have stopped laughing, and recovered my composure to a degree where I can pick myself up off the floor I want to share something with you. But I caution you now. Before you go there, sit down, and put down any hot food and drink and any sharp objects you might be holding.

Over here the production team at the Old Holborn site have assembled their own take on the antics of the establishment in the wake of their realisation that people want to vote for us. The author makes it pretty clear in the article he is "no fan of the BNP" which in my book makes their take on this all the more compelling.

To paraphrase, the point is made that there must be a whole raft of "organisations" whose aims and objectives stand poles apart from one's own views, but in the light of New Labour's New Attack, the time has come to be publicly refused membership of these organisations, if only to amass evidence for the court case.

So, if you have any ideas for organisations to which the members of threatened cultures in this country should seek membership so as to expose ethnoprejudice, let's have 'em.

As one commenter on the site says, "How about joining the 'Gay Ni*g*rs Of America' Society. I am neither gay, nor negroid, nor american, yet I do not see why this should be a bar to my membership application being accepted". Closer to home, there is a "muslim women's swimming club" that might be worth an application.

If you do pop over there, please mind your manners. The article's many comments provide a wealth of ammunition.

But I would like to correct one small factual error I have already seen generally in cyberspace. The argument is put that The Scout Movement does not allow Girls to join. The nicest thing I can say in reply is that if the author of that article ever donned woggle and neckerchief, as I once did, it must have been a very long time ago. For the Scout Movement does not prevent girls from joining and has been forced to admit them into membership for some time now.

It is the Girl Guide Movement that continues to this day to deny membership to Boys.