Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nick Griffin MEP and Wife Jackie

Nick Griffin and wife Jackie after the last speech of the day

What an end to a fantastic day for the BNP and what a great day it must be for the British National Party members who met today in Blackpool.

Great speeches from the likes of Andrew Bron MEP and many others and now that the talking is over it is time for the troops to have a well earned night away from politics and relax amoungst their friends and kinsmen.

The Chairman made a fantastic speech and for once showed that he too is only human and and shed a tear of pride for those who had helped him make political history.

We thank you Mrs Griffin for always being there for the greatest leader a patriotic political party could ask for. You are equally special to us all.

Have a great night guys. You deserve it and we not with you wish you all the best and look forward to hearing of your great times on your return to your branches and groups.

Even more good news on the main site. So off you go.
