Friday, June 12, 2009

Some interesting facts about Dr. Myfanwy Davies

By the Informer

After only 10 minutes research I have discovered some amazing truths about Dr. Davies.
She appears to be a very gifted and accomplished Medical Doctor, who is committed to researching women’s sexual vulnerabilities and health. A very noble vocation and extremely lucrative.
To enable her to complete and expedite her studies she has received well over £875,000 in research funds.
Little or any of this has been used for the benefit the people of Wales or those she hopes to represent in Llanelli.

This vast sum has enabled her to research on amongst only a few other, none specific to Wales:-
‘The Maternity Information Concerns of Somali Women in the United Kingdom’

‘Interpersonal Sources of Health and Maternity Information for Somali Women living in the UK’

‘Labour Pain and the Passage to Motherhood for Arab Muslim women in London’

‘Notions of Motherhood and the maternity needs of Arab Muslim women’

Motherhood in Migration: Arab Muslim women, storytelling and the information-giving encounter with London-based Maternity Services.

Location and Locality in Arab Muslim Women’s Narratives of Entering Motherhood in London.

Cultural and Linguistic Barriers to Shared Decision Making: the case of Arab Women in British Maternity Services.

‘Information Provision and Access to Care Options in Maternity Services: The case of London-based GPs and Arab Muslim women’

‘Young People and Societies in Europe and Around the Mediterranean

‘The health, social care and housing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older people’


It is for you to make your mind up on these facts as the full details are there for you to evaluate.
However I do find it strange that many Plaid people are so devoted to the welfare of Muslim non Welsh people, whilst making no mention at all about Non Muslim Welsh Men or Women the people that they one day hope to use to get into parliament.

Maybe that will be one hope too far!