Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Black Lawyer Society and the BNP

Peter Herbert, the chairman of the Society of Black Lawyers, is in all fairness, a very well balanced sort of chap. He has chips on both of his shoulders.

But the British National Party has weighed this enemy of the true British People up nicely when they compared him to a child having a tantrum.
In a move dripping with the most outrageous irony, the head of the overtly non-whites only ‘Society of Black Lawyers’ has called for race laws to be tightened to prevent the British National Party from distributing leaflets such as the one used by the party in the Greater London Assembly election last year.
Because this is not the first time, that the professional chip on the shoulder black has spat his dummy out. In the past, he managed to barely escape having his license to practice law suspended and received only a reprimand and ordered to undergo "media training" in order for him to communicate more effectively, after breaking the lawyers' code of conduct.

His response to this slap on the wrist was to scream the magic black word "racism" and threaten to sue everyone within screaming distance.

Herbert who revelled in the work he carried out during the Saint Stephen of Lawrence Inquiry, was cleared of similar charges in 2001 following a public outcry at the Bar Council's previous attempt to discipline him. He and other chip on the shoulder supporters, believe the real reason for the disciplinary actions against this hypocrite are racially motivated.

No, what is racially motivated in this story, is the fact that vomit like Herbert, wish to stop the British National Party telling the white people of this country about the danger they are in.

And just when I thought it time to move on, I noticed that, not all sherbert Herbert, was listed as one of Our Country's 100 Great Black Britons alongside one (Remember this - honey glazed thighs) Lee Jasper, Strange values some people have as to what constitutes great.

Articles on the Green Arrow with mention of Lee Jasper and how great he really is.

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