Saturday, July 4, 2009

Lancashire Four

I hear a demonstration in support of the 'Lancashire four' who were arrested in November 2008 for distributing official BNP leaflets is to take place on Monday in Blackburn town centre.

Robin Evans, Lee Karmer, Brian Parker and Tony Bamber are bailed to appear at Blackburn's Greenbank police Station starting from 9.30am till 11am.

The demonstration has been postponed on several times due to the police extending the bail at the last minute.

However we are quite confident that the bail and therefore the demonstration will go ahead as scheduled.

Monday 6th July 9am outside the town centre police station (not Greenbank) on the Boulevard-bus station.

Supporters are asked to meet at 8.30 am at the junction 4 services off the M65 in order to co-ordinate the arrangements for the morning.

Or NWRO Clive Jefferson at

It is 8 and a half months since the four were first arrested.

Members' homes have been ransacked, they have suffered threats and intimidation towards their families and had personal and BNP property seized, in some cases causing considerable hardship.

Blackburn/Darwen organiser Robin Evans has nearly had his livelihood destroyed by the political police as the mobile phones they seized were the 'life blood' of his almost defunct self employed business.

''It took around 20 years of hard work to establish my business. Taking my telephones has ensured that those established contacts cannot now reach me''.

''Threatening my 'Mrs' with further police visits at 7am and suggestions that they should seize our now 18 months old baby son are typical tactics used by the police in order to imtimidate and instill fear into law abiding families''

Support the resistance.
Support the BNP and their activists

UPDATE 13:40

Just heard from Alan Harrop in Pendle that two of the "Lancashire Four", Brian Parker and Lee Karmer have had charges against them dropped with regard to distributing leaflets that were deemed to be offensive. That's excellent news - let's hope it's the same for Robin Evans and Tony Bamber.

