Thursday, July 2, 2009

Searchlight is whistling in the dark

One has to laugh at the antics of the state funded Searchlight organisation, that is run by the convicted communist criminal Gerry "Unstable" Gable.

In a recent email that was send out to their supporters list (thank you for that) by Nick Lowles, who is paid out of money donated to Searchlight via trade unions and children's charities, they lay out their plans for the future and released the above video.

Over 4000 people took part in our survey. Although there were plenty of different ideas coming forward the one thing that consistently shone through in every response was that your resolve for our campaign has not diminished because BNP won seats - but you are determined to renew and regroup to stop it ever happening again.
Well you and I know the truth about the 4,000 people and we know just what the different ideas put forward were. Mine was "Eat my shorts".

Now there are a couple of interesting snippets in the video but one piece that made me smile cynically was the bit about giving local UAF sites the tools to do the job. By tools, I could not help but wonder if he meant tools like the claw hammers used to beat BNP activist Tony Ward with.

Let us remind ourselves what the purpose of Hope not Hate is.

As you can see in the above image taken from one of their false flag organisations (Hope not Hate), they were actively seeking the venue for a BNP meeting at Leigh with plans to disrupt that legal gathering.

Then moving over to another one of their false flag sites (Stop the BNP), we see where they make available to the political terrorists of the UAF, their target for the night.

At 15 seconds in, you will see what use, the political terrorists make of their information that has been fed to them by Searchlight. And below we see what Searchlight means when they say that they will confront and follow the BNP.

Now why not help make the marxists day and go watch their video, rate it and leave a comment by clicking here.
