Monday, February 19, 2007

Can you afford to be wrong?

The post today is aimed at all those indigenous people of the United Kingdom who genuinely believe that Multiculturalism is a good thing.

You may believe this because of your religion, you may believe it because of your politics or you may just believe it because the Government said it is good.

Ignoring some of the benefits such as gun crime, animal cruelty, burdens on all our services, honour killings, civil disobedience and sickness that Multiculturalism has enriched us with. Some of still see it as either good or the potential for it to come good.

But wait a moment. What if you are wrong about the B.N.P. and its alarm calls about immigration and the creeping colonisation of our Country by an alien culture?

You have seen that 40% of the population of what was once our Capital City no longer speak English as their first language. That is why Red Ken has the congestion charge – he does not want True Brit visitors to Londonistan to see that we have lost the battle there.

You have seen the indigenous white population become a minority in many of our cities and certainly large areas of our towns.

You have seen Christian Churches destroyed and our people intimidated where they have become a minority.

And on and on and on – in your heart you know what I am saying is true and you know I could fill a dozen pages with more of the same.

Yet you still believe Multiculturalism can work but what if you’re wrong?

Can you take that chance – not just with your future but with the future of your children and your grandchildren? If you are wrong then there will be a terrible price to pay and there will be no concilation in saying “I believed we could live together” to a young person denied art, music, liberty and freedom of expression.

You would not pay for an intruder to take over your home – why allow them to take over your Country?

Can you afford to be wrong?


The Sentinel said...

Spot on.

We are facing many terrible problems, in the not too distant future.

The Marxist creed of 'political correctness' is responsible for the thought programming and emotional enslavement of many in the western world. I have written a brief history of it that you might find interesting.

Yankee Doodle said...

Conservatism is not so much a political agenda as it is an attitude towards political agendas. A "Look-before-you-leap", "Can you afford to be wrong?" attitude. I like your attitude! :)

I did two posts on Islamic crime: Jihad: Oh What a Feeling and Boiling Water. SIS's guess is right on the money. It's getting buried.

On a technicality, I question if it's religiously-motivated or just religiously-excused. Not that it matters a whole lot!

shieldwall said...

great post GA,the usual excuse given to me by people for not joining the BNP is"I have children and I dont want to get involved",THAT WAS THE VERY REASON WHY I GOT INVOLVED AMONGST OTHERS,can you believe idiots that use pathetic excuses like that.FOR SOME THERE IS NO HOPE,THEY HAVE LOST THEIR FIGHTING SPIRIT.I believe that surrender is NOT an option.Keep battling,and good will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post and so true. I was a bit of a bleeding heart until the 7/7 bombings and the cartoon protests. "live and let live" I thought. The trouble is Islam doesn't see it that way. Every freedom or progress we enjoy is a sin to them. If it aint in a 14th century book of superstition its a sin and unislamic. They have no concept of trye freedom because their whole way of life and reason to live is bound up in the sayings of a mentally ill man who married a 6yr old in his fifties. We cannot continue to humour these dangerous people any longer or attempt to placate their violent creed. Its not good for individual Brits, Muslims who want out or society as a whole. The creed is like Ebola, lethal and all pervasive. Our elected leaders should scan the globe for one single successful Islamic society which threatens no one. So should Muslims, show us the blueprint for a Utopian Islamic society where you dont slaughter your own people for trangressions?
Its horses for courses, the BNP is the only party putting this menace to civilisation at the top of the agenda, they get my vote.

The Green Arrow said...

Thank you a very good comment Felicity. I am just so glad that more and more people are waking up to the terror that lies in front of us and our children.

Spread the word.
Good Luck