Sunday, February 25, 2007

Labour try gerrymandering

"They've opened the floodgates to try and 'beat the BNP by demographics' as John Cruddas put it. Several of our many Irish voters have told me that it's gerrymandering as naked and blatant as anything that used to go on to deny local democracy to Catholics in Northern Ireland. It's a disgrace."

Where is this happening? You can get the full story over at Central News. Go check it out and see how Labour politicians are more concerned with keeping power and their pay cheques then their country's future. This on top of the postal ballot scandal shows they will stop at nothing to win. Be prepared for their dirty tricks to start rolling down the slipway the closer we get to May. Vote for Victory - Vote for the British National Party.

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.

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