Friday, February 16, 2007

Islam’s ‘Great British’ infiltration

Lionheart has published an excellent piece on the infiltration of the United Kingdom by the followers of Islam.

This is a must read and this Christian Crusader is to be applauded for publishing it. There is also an image that speaks for itself.

Read it here at Lionheart.

History will not be able to say we were not warned.


The Lincolnshire Patriot said...

No Liberty, Green Arrow! You are more tham welcome to link. Are you BNP member? Just curious my friend.

Yankee Doodle said...

"The Islamic Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

It won't get that far. Have faith in God, and have faith in freedom-loving people around the world. Together, we'll beat this.

Dr Chris Hill said...

This is now a fight for the very survival of our people, which we must win. But just believing in god, and wanting it, will not secure our ultimate victory.

The only sure way to save this country is to get out leafleting, and then follow that up (with suit shirt & tie) canvassing for the British National Party. Now in order to ask people to vote for us, we have to have a candidate standing in an election, everyone must think: candidate=me!

Chris Hill

Dr Chris Hill said...

This is now a fight for the very survival of our people, which we must win. But just believing in god, and wanting it, will not secure our ultimate victory.

The only sure way to save this country is to get out leafleting, and then follow that up (with suit shirt & tie) canvassing for the British National Party. Now in order to ask people to vote for us, we have to have a candidate standing in an election, everyone must think: candidate=me!

Chris Hill

Anonymous said...

It is definitely a fight for survival. There's a fascinating insight into the murderous genocidal nature of Muslim theology at

(Hat tip Britney at

As we all know from the Birmingham mosque and Saudi school revelations, Allah hates Jews and Christians. But Muslims believe that Allah is Akhbar (all powerful). So why doesn't Allah simply kill all the Jews and Christians?

The answer, according to the eminent theologian al-Ansari, is that Allah has the power and might to subdue the infidels and to exterminate them by his will. However, He has not done so because he wants his followers to enjoy the fun of carrying out the necessary massacres:

" Al-Ansari relies on the Quranic verse: "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace [meaning that Allah will kill the infidels], and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people" (Al-Tawba, 14). The key word in this verse is "by your hands," which indicates the great importance Allah attributes to the physical action of the infidels' extermination.

This is even more substantial than the daawa in executing the command of jihad, since the daawa, as important as it might be, could not fulfill God's commandment for extermination.

Al-Ansari wrote: "Allah is capable of exterminating his enemies with no need for intermediaries or the help of anyone. His might is infinite...therefore, when He [Allah] designates the task of extermination of infidels to his believers, He does so as a hidden expression of His power...the infidels' extermination is part of Islamic law, which is operative until the Day of Judgment. Its principal element will be fulfilled only at the hands of the believers, meaning through jihad, which is also to be operative until the Day of Judgment."

So when our children's and grandchildren's heads are rolling in the gutter, we won't be able to claim that we weren't warned well in advance.