Monday, February 12, 2007

We do this for Allah - And our 72 Virgins

I think it is time for a little poetry but to read the poem in question, we have to take a trip to Highest Fidelity out in the U.S.A. Read the poem here. Especially if your a Muslim.

Read it? So what do you think?

A quick note to our Welsh Supporters - the forum wars in Wales have started. Join me in the fight at ICWales. I could also do with some support at The UK Debate site. Lets not give them a walkover. Remember- Engage the enemy more closely.

Whilst here jump over to Infidel Bloggers Alliance and read about the latest attack on freedom of speech. Leave them a comment to show that at least some of us still have a backbone.


Highest Infidelity said...

Well, Yee-Haa! and Howdy from Texas!

I just got on the computer here, and been working a little at my blog, and then I start looking around and come here and Whoa! My brand new blog made the headlines! Thank you, it's an honor.

A friend of mine sent me that poem. He did not write it. Someone sent it to him. We don't know who wrote it.

But you jihadis: KNOW THAT I POSTED IT. I wish I were smart enough to write it. Maybe I'll try my hand at writing a little something, or maybe I'll draw a cartoon.

Maybe I'll draw me a picture of your virgin-rapin', child-molestin', camel-thievin', holier-than-thou prophet.

Then again, maybe I won't, but bet yer one-way ticket to Allah on this, jihadis, I can out-draw you! And so can my boys AND MY GIRLS! My older daughter can put a 30-30 round through a rat's bee-hind at fifty yards; and there's not one of you jihadis smaller than a rat! You want to rape an infidel? She'll cut it off, if you're lucky. If you're not lucky, I'll be dancin' with ya.

Hey, Green Arrow, I'm gonna link to ya partner.

Highest Infidelity said...

Hey, I just went over to that post at IBA and gave 'em a history lesson. Let me know what you think!
